Chapter 36: New Beginning

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(A/N: So according to the votes - I'm going to write up the Underswap universe in this one. Don't mind my mistakes in characters personality since I don't know about this AU really much.

Welp, here we go)

Act 3
"Love and Hate"

Well... Here I am once again...

As soon as I stepped through my portal, I appeared in the endless and dark abyss, but I still could see my body as in daylight. Maybe I could call it "the void" or some sort of it, but I still wasn't sure what this place was in the first place.

All I knew is that this place was some sort of crossing-point between different universes. In the air of this place I could see countless amount of white screens with different info on it like the name of certain universes or it's serial number. And I could go in any of this universe. But I... I didn't know where to start my journey... All this insane amount of universes... What should I pick?

In my past I was doing nothing, but following Shifty's orders, but now... I was confused.

[Show me all the Genocide timelines]



And that number only keeps rising...

Fuck... That'll be a long work for sure...

I approached one of such "screens" with a name "Underfell #4537" on it. Underfell, huh? Never heard of such a thing to be honest. But why not give it a try?

But as soon as I approached my hand to this universe, suddenly this screen started to glitch out and covered with errors while I pulled my hand away immediately. After a few moments of glitching this universe suddenly just... Dissapeared leaving me confused. What just happened? Did someone... Deleted this universe from existance?

Pffft, what a bullshit. It's not a game or something to delete UNIVERSES itself. Probably... Uh... Probably soon enough this universe will recover. Maybe? I just need to watch out for such glitches.

I decided to pick another universe since this one got mystically wiped out. I had some rough time picking the right one, but soon I noticed some interesting one.

"Underswap #2462"

Underswap? Does that mean... Someone just swapped places with each other in such universe? I need to check this one out and hope that this universe won't glitch out as Underfell. Like... Chara is Asriel and Asriel is Chara now?

I touched this screen with my hand and as soon as I closed my eyes, I felt cold wind that was rushing on my mask and body. At least, now I had more warm clothes to not freeze here to death. But according to such temperature - I was in Snowdin.

I opened my eyes and noticed that... I WAS FALLING DOWN! HOW THE FUCK DID THAT THING TELEPORTED ME?!

- SHIT! - I shouted in panic while I was waving with my hands in the air as if it could help me out, - NO-NO-NO!

After a few seconds of falling down I landed in a snowdrift that actually soften my fall. But the minus was - it was extremely cold in this snowdrift, so I immediately pulled myself out and cleared myself from the snow. Now I just need to hope that noone heard my screamings. I don't want to be noticed in this universe.

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