Chapter 54

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- Perfect. So now we're stuck here probably for WHOLE damn eternity, - Flower moaned in frustration and acceptance, - I didn't think that this will be my new home.

- Can you stop being so pessimistic? We'll find a way out right after I'll finish with this universe.

- And are you sure MY universe will still live to the moment when we'll arrive? - Boggie asked a really tough question to me and I didn't really know what to answer. I didn't know for how long we'll be stuck in here either. After a few moments of confusing silence he just sighed, - Whatever. Let's get moving.

- Are you just going to stay here then?

- Of course not. I'll follow you.

- But weren't you like... Willing to hide here from other monsters? - I scratched back of my head in confusion, - Or you're ready to confront them now?

- Nope.

- Then how are you going to... - but Boogie quickly dissapeared under the ground before I actually finished. Floor of this room was damaged and so he had no problem with going straight under the ground, - Oh... I see now.

I decided not to waste time anymore and moved to the exit from this creepy house, but suddenly I heard Boogie's voice. He was under ground, but somehow I could still hear him. He sounded kinda muffled, but his words were still clear to hear.

- I'll be watching.

His sudden voice made me shiver out of surprise and look around just to find empty and dark room.

- Jesus... - I mummbled to myself out of surprise, but then exited the house. It appears this house was located in some abandoned part of Waterfall and the only exit out of here was some small cave. I was barely fitting in it, so I had to duck just to get in this small entry. Looks like it used to be normal entry, but it got crushed. But luckily under all of these rocks there was some clear path...

- Hey, Boogie? - I tried to ask his name. I didn't know what to expect, especially when there is noone near me, but suddenly...

- What? - I heard a bit squeaky voice of this flower once again.

- Did Chara drag me over here?

- No, - I didn't know what I expect to hear, but actually I got a bit sad after that answer, - It was me. Dragging you all the way here would be too hard for her. You barely fit in here by youself.

- That's fair... I guess.

For a few moments I actually hoped she was the one who took care of me. Guess, I'm expecting too much from her.

- But she spared you. And trust me, getting mercy from genocider is a big deal.

- Maybe so. But we need to turn her to the good side to save this universe.

- Correction: YOU need to. Don't get me into this.

- While we're both stuck here, we have to work together. Whenever if you like it or not.

Boogie decided not to answer. Seems he was in state of silent anger and acceptance of his fate. But soon I heard how rocks suddenly decided to move right over my head. I had only seconds to react before rocks actually smash my head and body into pices, but suddenly round of vines rushed to the rocks, holding it over me.

- Watch your head.

- Oh... Thanks.

- Don't get any ideas. You're my only ticket back in my universe.

After some time I finally exit this cave and thank god I did. I was slowly getting a bit claustrophobic because of such small space to move in. But it appears, now I was at more known to me part of Waterfall.

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