Chapter 53

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Once again I woke up with a terrible headache in unknown to me place. How much times did I woke up in different place after someone knocked me out? Five? Maybe six? I swear to god, soon I'll be wearing helmet or something just to prevent these stupid situations.

Anyway, where am I now?

I couldn't tell at first since all my vision was extremely blurry... Well, of course it was since Chara kicked my ass once again. Damn, I didn't expect such power from that girl... Even knowing her magic abilities. But very soon my vision come back to normal and I looked around...

It appears I was in some small, but completely abandoned room. This room was already creeping me out since room in the Ruins was abandoned too, but it still looked pretty good, meanwhile this one... One bed and some small bedside table were the only furniture in here. There was a chandlier too, but ligh bulbs were completely burned out, so chandlier was doing nothing, but making a terryfing squeaks while slowly wobbling.

I already wanted to leave this room, but then noticed that my mask is gone... Did Chara steal it from me?!

I looked around in panic, but then noticed my mask lying on bedside table. More importantly, it seems someone tried to fix cracks on it with some duct tape. Not perfect, but will do. Also I noticed that someone put some bandages on my face to cover my wounds that Chara dealt to me. Was that... Chara? But why she decided to help me so suddenly?

I decided to leave this dusty and creepy room just to investigate other parts of the house I appeared in. But other rooms were just as the same as the one I woke up at. No lights, no furniture and almost every window was crushed. Thankfully, I had my boots, so it was safe for me to walk through glass shards.

- Anyone? - I decided to interrupt silence of this dead house just to make sure that noone is here.


No answer.

Looks like someone just dragged me in this strange abandoned house, fixed me up a bit and then left me be. I need to talk with Papyrus about what happened. If he's still alive of course... But as soon as I tried to leave this house, I heard silent, but still audible... Steps? But that wasn't just human steps...

I quickly turned around and summoned my fire magic just to light up room a bit. But there was noone there and yet I noticed how something just hid behind the corner one of the rooms.

It's not like I'm afraid of ghosts or something, but that... That's just creeping me out.

But anyway, I slowly approached the room while trying to be as silent as possible. I couldn't tell how afraid I was to open this door up... But come on, I'm literally a doomsday device with fire magic! I'm not afraid of some stupid ghost! Well, just a little...

After a few seconds of dead silence - it got interrupted by loud door slam while I just busted it open with my leg while preparing my fire to kill whatever inside this room.

- JESUS FUCK! - I heard how someone exclaimed in panic while I pointed my hands at that person... But then I understood that it was no ghost... It was... A talking flower? My anger mixed with fear quickly changed to literal confusion while flower was completely terrified.

- Who... - I tried to start a conversation, but then went silent again due to my confusion, - Who the fuck are you?

- B-boggie... The flower, - the flower said with shacking voice while staring at my fire.

- A talking flower? Is this a thing in this universe?

- Not really, - he answered more calmly, but still nervous due to my magic, - The thing is... I'm from different universe. From Storyshift you was in.

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