Chapter 13- Hidden Wounds

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One morning, we were all assigned to a few missions. We gathered inside the Don's office and waited for Delphine to tell us our roles and jobs. "Okay you lot, we gotta hit on one of Lola's warehouses to steal her possessions and stored weapons," she informed us, we nodded in acknowledgment. "Just us?" I asked, "You will be accompanied by bikers, slashers, gunmen, and grenadiers." She replied. Sage then started to randomly cough randomly in a hoarse way, "Woah, you okay dude?" Boost asked, "Yeah yeah, just choked." he replied, clearing his throat, "On what?" Wingo asked, laughing. Sage laughed back. We didn't think much of it. "Let's go to the Training Facility to gather them up." Walking to the Training Facility, Sage tried holding his coughs, clearing his throat, "You sure you're okay, bro?" I asked, holding his arm, he held back my hand, "Yes yes, I guess it's allergies." he said to me with a smile. I shrugged my shoulders, "Okay then, if you say so."

After gathering our recruits, we left the Empire and drove to Lola's warehouse with heavy-duty vehicles for protection. Everyone held their weapons and discussed a plan. Sage had been awfully quiet but yet he was helpful. Once we got to our destination, the grenadiers began throwing grenades and bombs at the doors and windows. The blasts killed three of Lola's men and a dozen more ran out with their weapons, big mistake. We were out and ready to spread fire, we fired and fought down Lola's men in an instant, "Huh, thought there were more people here." Boost said, we nodded. I noticed Sage wheezing a bit but it was pretty smokey so I didn't think much of it. Some of our recruits went into the warehouse and looted Lola's belongings, after that, we got out of there and headed back to our Empire.

As we were on our way home, Sage was no longer as quiet as he was before. He was pretty talkative which I find a little odd, he spent time with Wingo a lot as well. Back at the Empire, Sage was back to his usual self. I saw Sage at the pool with his shirt off, he still had bandages from the bullet wounds when he got shot...shouldnt they be off by now? Delphine was also with him, curious about the wound. Later that day, we were assigned to more jobs, Sage had been on and off in a way but he seemed generally okay. "Boost, can I speak with you?" I asked, "Sure sis, wassup?" he asked back, "Is Sage okay? He's been acting...weird." I told him, "Hmm, I agree he is acting weird but I don't really know why." Boost responded, "Alright then." He patted my head.

Weeks went on, we were successful at most of our jobs and the Don hit us with one more and it was the biggest job he ever assigned us with. "Alright boys, you all made me proud in the last set of jobs. Because of you all, this Empire will thrive!" he said with pride, we were proud of ourselves, "All you need to do now is, rob the city's major bank." he said to us. "Now that sounds like fun to me!" Boost said out loud, "Back to the good ole days, huh." Snot Rod said, everyone agreed. "Am I allowed to come?" I asked, "It's dangerous but yes, you can come." the Don said, "Yes!" We gathered our recruits and forged on to the bank. As expected, there were guards and a lot of security there.

"Alright soldiers, let's party!" Axle said, cocking his gun, we followed suit, rushed out, and opened fire at the security and guards. Boost, DJ, Wingo, Sage, Snot Rod, and I broke into the bank and we did our business. Sage, Snot Rod, and Wingo threatened patrons and bank tellers for money and to get on the floor. The bank tellers were terrified, giving them cash. Boost, DJ, and I broke into the safes and stole everything we can get our hands on. Once we filled our bags with cash and gold bars, we got out of there quickly. It seemed like Sage and the others made bloodshed inside, outside was also flooding with blood due to cops coming and getting killed. We escaped and sped to the Empire, celebrating our victory.

Getting back to the Empire, we were welcomed back with applause and cheering, wounded recruits were rushed to the hospital but their wounds weren't so bad. We celebrated our victory more when we got back. The Don organized a celebration in the Empire and we were all congratulated. Sage was quiet again though, I kept him company until he decided to hit the hay. I went to bed at about 3:15 a.m. and knocked out pretty quickly despite the loud music.

The days went on as normal but Sage became noticeably ill. I saw him in his room taking medication, he then removed the bandages on his wounds...they didn't look good at all... His wounds were white with puss in some places, some places were bleeding. He sighed and wrapped the bandages back up. I heard a noise and scurried off back to my room. I didn't know whether to tell the boys or not. I sat down on my bed thinking about what I saw and what to do, Boost suddenly walked in and noticed I looked uneasy. "Everything okay, love?" he asked, coming and sitting on my bed, I hesitated to answer. "I saw Sage's wounds...they don't look so good, I saw him taking meds and- and-" I stuttered, Boost was confused, "Huh.." Wingo then bursts into the door, "Sage is coughing up blood!" he yelled in a panic, and Boost and I rushed out to head to the hospital.

Sage was in terrible condition, blood leaked from his mouth, his wounds were opened and he was hooked up to machines... I gasped seeing him on the bed. DJ covered my eyes and I held his hand. Wingo suddenly burst into tears, "I'm so sorry brother...I didn't want to tell you.. I'm sorry you had to find out like this.." Sage said sorrowfully. Wingo snapped, "YOU BASTARD! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING TO US??" he bawled. "I- I didn't want to hurt you..." he said softly again. I removed DJ's hands from my eyes, "Sage..." I said softly, "I'm sorry kiddo, I know you saw me earlier, that's something you shouldn't have known about." he told me. We all started tearing up as we sat and kneeled next to his deathbed. "Is there no saving him??" Wingo asked the nurse, she gloomily shook her head... Sage was on the verge of flatlining, "I love you, brother..." he said to Wingo, giving him something in his hand and he then looked at me, "Take good care of her.." he said again, "I- I love you too, brother..." Wingo cried. Sage then passed...Wingo burst down into tears on his knees, I was heartbroken seeing this happen, I walked up to him and hugged him tightly, and Boost and the others joined. "The infections from his wound spread to his heart, we couldn't save him..." the nurse whispered to Delphine who just peeked into the room, she broke down and drove to her room, sobbing, heartbroken.

Wingo looked at the object in his hand that Sage gave him, it was a matching ring of the one Wingo already had, he held it close to his chest and cried. A funeral was held for Sage and after that...everyone was too shocked and depressed to speak... Life went on like this until Wingo began to accept it and build himself again. Wingo walked into my room one day and he gave me the ring, "Why are you giving me this?" I asked, " You reminded me of myself when Sage took care of me, its only fitting that I give it to you." he said, I smiled and hugged him he hugged back.

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