Chapter 9- Always On The Run

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I woke up frightened to the sound of helicopters and gunshots from all around. A bright white spotlight shone upon my face as Boost grabbed me up in his arms. "We gotta go kiddo!" He yelled to me, suddenly I heard megaphones from the helicopter, threatening us. As I heard I shot up wide awake, "What's going on??" I asked, "They found us, we need to get out of here!!" Sage scattered bullets everywhere trying to cover us, Wingo joined him. Boost and Snot Rod rushed me down from the building as DJ gathered the supplies to run down with us. Sage and Wingo did their best to dodge bullets as they made their way down from the building with us. Wingo made it out without a scratch, but unfortunately for Sage... "ARGH- SHIT!" he stumbled, and cops jumped down from the chopper, Sage has a strong will to live so he kicked and fought off the cops as he continued to stagger his way down. Without a second thought, he says, "Let's get out of here, now!" we obeyed and tried to get away as soon as possible.

We fought our way through the roadblocks with security and cops, I stretched and pulled out the pistol and mag from Wingo's holster and started shooting the cops, I knew it was wrong to do but considering our situation I didn't care much. I kept shooting until I was out of ammo, "Uh-oh.." "DRIVE!" Sage then yelled and the boys turned to their car forms and I rode with Boost, getting low so as to avoid getting shot. They raced through the streets and drifted around corners, "We lost them for now!"Snot Rod yelled to us, "Not the chopper tho!" DJ then yelled back, "Escape route now! Take a right, there's a closed off road under the overpass!" Boost ordered, everyone followed as Boost sped ahead, leading them to the escape route under the overpass. We skidded and drifted through the streets and eventually lost the chopper too.

After we passed the overpass and escaped, we slowed down and settled next to an abandoned gas station. I jumped out of Boost and he along with everyone else turned to human. Sage grunted and stumbled to the floor, I ran to him, "What happened?!" I asked frantically, he didn't answer, he didn't have to, I saw blood run down his chest and leg. I was a stunned seeing all the blood, without a second thought, I grabbed sheets from the bag and tried covering the wounds, "Thanks..kiddo..." He managed to say, Wingo came over to inspect the wounds before covering it again, he grew concerned as he noticed how deep the bullet hole is in his chest. "We need to get that bullet out of you, bro." he said, "No, no I'm okay, just need to lay down.." Sage replied, Wingo was about to say something again but Sage insisted he was okay.
The sun began to rise higher into the sky, I just sat down aside from everyone and stared. I was scared for my life, I'm scared of what what my life became, I started shooting guns at five years old, how long do I have to survive before the situation got worse? My head kept racing but I stayed still and quiet.

We stayed there all day, everyone was genuinely quiet though and we didn't eat much, we wanted to ration our supplies, so we did. Later that same day, Boost thought it would be a good idea to teach me how to drift. He took me to an empty curvy road not too far from where we were resting, "Alright sis, Imma teach you how to drift just in case if we're not around and you need to get away quickly, you'll know how to." he said to me, "okay." I responded. He proceeded to explain, "Okay so the first thing you do is Brake to transfer some weight to the front of yourself and flick the steering to initiate the drift." He instructed, I nodded. "Maintain the drift by lifting off the throttle to reduce drift angle and add more throttle to increase it." he said again, instructing me to try it, "Okay.." I nervously said, I tried and tried, I kept spinning out and I got frustrated, "It's okay, just keep trying." he told me. I kept trying and eventually I got the hang of it. "Great! Now transition the drift by slightly over rotating yourself just before you want to change direction and then lift off the accelerator." I acknowledged and practiced and practiced until I got that going too. "To exit the drift, release the throttle at the correct time and ease off the steering angle." Boost said to me again, I nodded and did my thing. In no time I was able to decently drift around a corner.

When Boost and I came back to our resting spot, Sage suggested we check our garage home to see if the coast was clear. So we gathered our stuff and drove back to the garage I was taken to for safety. I got permission to drive with them.

While driving there, we stopped at another gas station to fill up, as the one we were just at was abandoned, we were all low on fuel and we didnt wanna get stuck and so we filled up. Sage also seemed to be getting weaker, I'd look at him and he'd look at me...sorrowfully. Back on the road again, Sage gazed at my car model that I was, and he admires it, "Ah, so you're a little Corvette." he said, smiling, "Mhmm." I responded, "You're really pretty, maybe that's why those guys were after you." he said after I nodded. We kept driving until suddenly someone shot a bullet near Snot Rod, his flames flared up as he jumped in surprise, "There she is!" A car yelled, "Shit, a Pacer!" I yelled, without hesitation, everyone raced off trying to get away, "uhhhhh I don't have a weapon!" I said again "Here, we'll protect you!" DJ yelled, everyone's guns mechanically formed and came out of the top of their fenders and they made somewhat of a barrier between me and the Pacers, "Drift the corners, love!" Boost yelled and I did what he said.

Another day another chase, we kept driving and racing to get away, soon we will.

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