Chapter 1- Born To Die

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On the 29th of August, 2005, in the tropical country of Trinidad, a little girl was born. She was the family's pride and joy as she was the first kid to be born, her name is Keke. She was her father's baby girl, he protected her, he taught her and he took care of her. Her mother did too but no one spoiled her as her father and grandfather did, that girl is me. I came from a line of racers on my father's side, my grandfather and father were both successful racers and it seems like I took part in that trait. I was a regular Corvette, C6 model when I was younger but my parents who are both different vehicles were a little shocked by their little girl's outcome model, they didn't mind it much though.
My grandfather died when I was one year old, obviously, I was too young to understand. My father, unfortunately, felt broken and helpless losing his father, he turned to alcohol to drink that pain away. Whilst in his drunken depression, he forgot about me, he stopped teaching, he was slack at protecting me and his racing career went down the drain. My mother was now fully taking care of me and now my father.
Life went on, my father became a workaholic and eventually didn't have enough time to spend with his daughter. I grew up like a regular kid, I went to kindergarten and stuff but by the time I turned 4, thunder struck. Strange people started targeting my father for his money, belongings, and me. I saw them a couple of times and they don't look like local residents, they were always acting suspicious, and they always seemed to follow us wherever we go. My father would see them and instantly get nervous. For reasons unknown, they wanted me for their own...use. Now with my father being weaker from his alcohol and work addiction he lacked in effort to protect his little princess.
By the time I turned 5, things got worse. My father has been robbed multiple times, there had been attempted break-ins in my house, other family members were targeted and we couldn't go out anywhere. Sometimes my father would come home extremely injured and bleeding. I never knew that at such a young age I would feel.,.anger or vengence, seeing my father like this and my mother being scared more and more every day. I was scared as well but at the same time, I felt like I should do something about it. But alas...there's only so much a child could do.
One day, my father decided to take the risk and take us out for a drive. He wouldn't let me cruise with them on my own so he insisted I turn to my human girl and ride with mom instead. I did so and we went for a short drive into town. On the ride going there, we did not see anything or anyone suspicious, I'm guessing my father felt a bit of relief. Going back home, on the other hand, was different...My dad was driving in front of me and mom, coming up on a junction someone gave my father a 'bad drive' and hit him from the right side, sending him on the other side, my mom screeched to a stop and reversed from getting us hit, she called out my father's name and started shaking. My father couldn't move, he got hit again to the other side by someone else, there were two of them beating my father back and forth like it was a game, they laughed and cussed at him as they did. Dad told us to get away and fast but it was too late.
As mom tried to get away, another one of them hit her and others blocked her from going anywhere, "Give us the fucking child!" I was violently shaken up, I started crying, mom was too, car form couldn't do much, she'd have to hold me if human form was the case which would be harder, she locked her doors and tried fighting them back "You can't go anywhere bitch!". I got low to the seats until they banged and bashed her door so much it was able to open, As it opened I tried getting away but one of them grabbed and took me. I bit, scratched, and screamed to get away, they cussed and yelled but nothing was working. While I was being taken away, I heard my parents' screams..I was thrown into a random car and then I was knocked out. I don't know what happened after that in the car, I had no idea who they were and where they were taking me...

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