should be over all the butterflies

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"I could hear you thinking in my sleep."

Lisa blinks.

Her girlfriend is so creepy sometimes.

Not even a moment ago, Jennie was deep asleep. Her head was resting on her chest when she woke up, elbows and bones poking into her side in the most uncomfortable of ways. Even still, Lisa tried her best not to move an inch.

Instead, she studied the lines of the girl's face, how the sun danced across it and played with her features, the slight pout she makes in her sleep that she will always deny is there when awake. She thought about how sometimes when she wakes up, Jennie is tucked under her chin or in the crook of her neck or on the very opposite side of the bed if it's a particularly hot night.

She thought about how she couldn't wait until she woke up because Lisa knows Jennie feels that same thrum in her chest when she sees her for the first time today.

There's no reason to it—it just is. When Jennie finally stirs awake on these mornings, opens her eyes, and sees Lisa studying her so closely, so lovingly, her first reaction is to smile. An honest and fond thing that she only allows a good few, and it takes all the wind from the latter's lungs because fuck, Jennie is in love with me. And subsequently, I am really really in love with Jennie.

And she was thinking all of this just before Jennie opened her mouth. She has yet to open her eyes, and this might be Lisa's only saving grace.

"You could not."

"Could too," Jennie mumbles into her collarbone. The feeling of her lips on her skin, chapped and warm with sleep, makes Lisa shudder a little. "Whatwereyouthinking?"

It's slurred and adorable and Lisa is slowly realizing how this whole relationship has always been a losing battle for her. There is no winning or coming out on top, she can only sink further and further under this lovely girl's spell. Even when she has terrible morning breath and hair matted to the top of her head from the friction of Lisa's shirt.

Words have never been her strong suit, she'll be the first to admit. There are too many options, too many ways for things to go wrong, and a hundred more to go downright terrible. Her mom used to tell her that when she was younger, she refused to talk for days at a time. It was a whole thing with doctor's visits and speech therapists until they finally came to the conclusion that Lisa just did not like words. The money spent from that is still being lorded over her head to this day.

All of this is to say that when Lisa wants to say something disgustingly romantic to Jennie, it never quite comes out right. The sentences get mixed up in her head with ones she thought about earlier that day, or maybe even the day before. All the things that she's wanted to say to the beautiful girl in front of her but never got the chance to mix and match in her head until it comes out like: 

"We should get a cat."

Immediately, Jennie frowns. It's more sleepy pout than frown, but she can tell it's a frown nonetheless. She stares back at Lisa for a little while longer, unblinking and looking generally disgruntled. Lisa can almost see the sentence forming in her head like stringing beads on a thread before she turns over on her side, facing away from the girl.

"Please don't speak."

"Too early?"

"You're an insane person."

"Okay, I'm sorry," she murmurs, hooking her chin over Jennie's shoulder. She presses a kiss to the warm skin under her girlfriend's jaw and fails to miss how Jennie purrs in response. "Let's go make something to eat, hm?"

Making breakfast is a simple affair, made easier with four hands rather than two. Though Jennie can't cook to save her life and more so clings to Lisa's back and hands her things she needs, it's easy. Halfway through making some eggs (one sunny side up, the other scrambled the way Jennie likes), Jennie starts up the coffee machine and makes Lisa a cup. She makes tea for herself.

in every universe (one shot-s) | JENLISA Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz