kids have no filter (and neither do we)

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Lisa's half-heartedly typing, and whole-heartedly hoping for just one interesting thing to happen that day, when a set of eyes appear just over the top of her desk. They're familiar somehow – piercingly brown and curiously clever. Eyes that she was sure usually looked a lot older than the cherub face they were sitting on. Eyes that had to be a copy of someone in the office.

At least she hoped.

A child in her office was strange. A child that belonged to no one in the building would have been far stranger. A child in her office that seemed to be making it her mission to touch literally every item on her desk, almost toppling several of them off was not so much strange, as it wasn't Lisa's favourite thing in the entire world. She swoops in when she picks up a glass paperweight and seems to immediately realise it's heavier than she thought.

She catches it swiftly as it falls from the girl's hands and places it securely on her desk, dropping to eye level. "Hey, bud. Where's your mum? Or dad?" No answer. Just the same silent brown eyes on a face that couldn't have been more than four years old. "Grandma?" She tries.

"My mom's at work." Well that wasn't much help.

"Cool," she says simply. No sense freaking the kid out when she seemed so calm about the whole thing. "You wanna help me with some drawing?" Lisa pulls some pens out of her desk – blue, green, red – they'd have to do, as well as some scrap paper from her notebook. The girl accepts them easily, sitting in the chair opposite her desk and immediately getting to work.

Lisa watches her casual nature for a moment before returning her gaze to her screen to send out a mass email about an adorable missing child. Definitely an interesting thing for the day. She just hoped someone came to fix it soon – preferably before lunch.

She's midway through writing a press release for the latest J-Corp update when an out of breath woman steps into her office looking hugely relieved. Hugely relieved and very clearly like the same woman who had interviewed her just last month. The same woman who Lisa had been pretty much completely enamoured with and spent multiple hours trying to stop her hands from shaking just thinking about. The same woman who headed the company she was working for, writing releases and articles about how she was literally trying to cure cancer whilst being perfect about several other things around the city like it was no big deal.

Jennie Kim.

Jennie expletive (there was a whole child present) Kim.

"Ella, you can't just disappear like that!" There's a distinct lack of chastisement on Ella's face at the words and Lisa can't help but laugh a little under her breath at the audacity of the kid. She didn't even seem to want to fake an apology.

"I was colouring with Lisa." The mention of her name finally has Jennie looking at her and she stifles a blush at the attention. She's surprised she manages to keep it under wraps to be honest. Not embarrassing herself was half the reason Lisa had been avoiding going to Jennie's office to ask for quotes for her pieces and instead had been using her assistant Jungkook as a buffer (Jungkook who absolutely seemed to know why she needed said buffer – her eyes always seeing Lisa a little too much.)

She starts explaining herself before a question can even be posed. "She just sort of appeared at my desk and I didn't know who she belonged to. I'm sorry."

Lisa hadn't read anything about Jennie having children. Come to think of it, she hadn't really read anything about her personal life at all. She was somewhat of an enigma to the press outside of her philanthropy and scientific mind. It was a little refreshing if anything – to see such a powerful woman spoken about for her accomplishments and nothing much else.

in every universe (one shot-s) | JENLISA Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon