look at the stars (look how they shine for you)

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There's no more light.

As much as she tries to get around it, to go past it because she knows damn well Jennie needs her, she can't.

Lisa freezes in the doorway, her heart sinking to the bottom of her stomach.

There's no more light.

Instead there's darkness and uncertainty, two things that don't add up when it comes to Jennie Kim, the sunshine in Lisa's life.

It's been a running joke among the group over the years, that Lisa is the grumpy, asocial one while Jennie has the more positive, bubbly persona.

All teasing aside, Lisa truly believes that if the sun was a person walking on Earth, it'd be Jennie.

There's always been something about her eyes that seems to captivate her. She noticed it the moment she first fell into them that day at the activities fair. It's as though brightest star in the universe somehow toppled down from the sky and made a home right there in the clear blue of Jennie's eyes.

As they grew closer over the years, from acquaintances, to teammates, to best friends, Lisa started craving that unwavering and contagious light.

It pierced through all the bad in her life and all was well again.

It chased her doubts away and soothed her soul.

And now... it's gone.

Lisa has been awake for more than thirty hours when she steps inside Jennie's hospital room that night.

She was on a Californian tour when Jisoo called her, tone uncharacteristically clipped, to tell her that Jennie had been in an accident. Even if Jisoo assured her Jennie's life wasn't in danger over the phone, she jumped on the red-eye right after the concert, barely taking the time to explain to Leo what was going on before tearing out of the venue.

She rushed into the hospital, where a doctor met with her to tell her about Jennie's condition.

Her head hit the pavement after she was hit by a car earlier that day, and the injuries to her brain left her without sight.

Jennie can tell light from darkness. That's all.

Lisa takes a deep breath, attempting to fight against the nerves rooting her feet to the floor, and steps fully into the room, letting the door flap behind her and cut through the deafening silence.

Jennie's head immediately twists towards her at the sound. "Jisoo?"

"No, it's me," Lisa croaks, tone strained with emotion when Jennie's gaze can't find hers.

"Lis," her own voice breaks over the syllable, and it's enough to have tears prick behind Lisa's eyes. She pushes them away and takes quick strides to the bed, engulfing her best friend into a tight embrace.

Jennie clings to her shirt, a string of sobs tumbling out of her lungs as she angles her face into her neck.

Lisa spends the next few minutes whispering reassuring words into Jennie's ear, repeatedly smoothing her palm over her hair, careful to avoid the bandages covering her head wound.

When after a long stretch, Jennie's distress quietens down to sniffles, Lisa pulls back gently, the pads of her thumbs wiping her tears away. She doesn't know what to say; doesn't know if she should address the subject or let it rest and let Jennie speak about it first.

So she goes for the only thing she's certain of, and hopes it's enough for now.

"I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

in every universe (one shot-s) | JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now