chapter 2 | Home ☔︎

Comenzar desde el principio

Though I do know she nervous. Her hands are trembling and she hasn't blinked.


"Yes." She respons.

"Are you okay?" Now its my turn to ask.

"I don't know." She tells me slowly.

"I'm going to be honest I didn't actually think well ever be coming back here all together like how we use too. But something is bothring me, its like something is missing."

Because something is missing.

"Were here sir." The drivers says which makes us both look at each other.

"Were home Hayden." Luna says with a sad small smile.

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I open the car door.

I close my eyes and again take another deep breath.

I open my eyes and look up. Its still raning but it isn't dark. The clouds are white and a light gray.

I finally turn my head.

There it is.


I really am here. The place I've been dreaming to be. It still looks the same just more flowers. Its the same though. I can't stop myself from the small smile that is forming on my lips.

"Its still the same." Luna tells me.

I turn to look at her. For the first time since a while she has a real big smile.

My attention turns to the car that is parked behind us.

My father and mother step out.

A tears falls out my mothers eye. She warps her arms around her body and smiles.

We make eye contact and that's when I finally realized that I'm back. This is actully happing.

"Hay Hay baby is that you my love?"

Ah that voice. How could I ever forget that annyoing voice.

"Leo." Is all I say before he starts running up to me.

"Oh my god bestie I missed your ass so much." He tells me laughing.

He gives me a hug which he doesn't let go.

"I missed you so much man" he says.

So did I.

He finally lets me go and looks behind me.

"Luna its good to see you." Leo says, walking to her to give her a hug.

"Its good to see you too Leo." Luna replays while laughing and hugging Leo.

He lets go and runs to my parent's like a little annyoing ass kid.

"Looks like some people just never change." My sisters says watching Leo almost jump on my father.

"Salvatores." A deep voice says that stops me from replying to my sister and turn around.

There is Mr. Storm standing looking at my father.

"Well if isn't my old man." My father says walking up to him to give him a man hug.

A laugter is heard on the other side from a dark haired woman.

Violet , the woman makes her way up to Mr. Storm and my father.

My mother walks up to her and gives her a hug.

Mr. Storm's wife, I have met her a couple times when they would visit.

Their attention then turns to me and my sister.

"Its good to see you Hayden and Luna." Violet tell us while walking up to us to give us a polite hug.

"Please come in, we'll have the workers carry your stuff and settle your rooms." Mrs. Storm goes on.

Everyone starts walking in but I stand there taking one last look outside.

"Being for real man I'm very glad your here." Leo says.

I'm glad to be back too.

We finally enter the house. The furniture is different but that's all. The smell and feeling it's still all the same.

"Dadddddd what if Valen-" The voice on the stairs stops.

"Luna, Hay?"

"BELLA OH MY GOD!" Luna screams and running to hug her.

The youngest Storm sibling.

The last time I seen her she was only in elementary and now she's finished school. It's making me feel old.

Isabella is a little taken back from my sister hugging her but she then wraps her arms around her when she realizes it's Luna.

They finally let go and Isabella looks at me.

She has the same eyes as her sister.

"Hello Hay Hay." She says with a big smile.

Haven't heard that in a while.

"Hello Bella." I say back with a smile. She comes my way and gives me a hug.

"It's really good to see you Hay." She tells me.

I laugh a little. It really is good to be back. She lets go and looks at Leo.

Leo then goes up to his sister and smacks her on the head.

"That's what you get for being annoying ass hell." Leo says while laughing and running away to the kitchen.

It really is good to be back.

~ ❦︎ ☔︎ ❦︎ ~

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