Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"...We can talk about you apparently setting up your own crew at three later then," Hades said. "I'll get Anastasia. You all get Milah comfortable."

Not waiting to hear a confirmation, he made his way to the front door and opened it to see a rather confused Anastasia Tremaine. Though that might have been because of the red-haired boy by her side.

"Lord Hades," she said. "I wasn't aware that you had child minions now."

"Virgil said that Jess' mama needed help and to get Lady Tremaine!" Henry said, looking rather proud of what he did before pausing. "Did...did I get the right Lady Tremaine Lord Hades? Mama says there's three of them."

"In this case, you got absolutely the right one," Hades said and Henry beamed with pride. "I've got a new mission for you kid, go keep Jess, Harriet, and Sammy in the den for as long as Lady Tremaine here needs."

"Aye Lord Hades!" Henry nodded and rushed past the God into the lair. Most kids would have been afraid of the stone walls and the reputation of the Underworld in general but not Henry.

He was just happy to get to play with Jess...and not have to see his mama upset. She'd been fighting with his papa who wasn't a papa. Henry didn't understand how a papa couldn't be a papa but his mama said not to say anything to Captain Hook because it could get papa not papa in trouble.

"Henry!" Hades heard Jess squeal as she saw him. "Wanna spar?"

"No fair! I wanna spar too!" Harriet pouted.

Sammy shook her head. "I'll spar with you Harri," she said softly as Hades made his way back to Milah and Hook's bedroom with Anastasia. He knew the sunspots would be okay on their own for a while—at least until Anastasia kicked him, Mollie, and Smee out as to provide privacy to the Hooks.

"Ah, I see it's you again," Anastasia said, a small smile on her lips as to show the Hooks she was merely teasing. "Will there be any comparisons to cannon balls this time?"

"I was only trying to comfort my wife!"

"Poorly. You tried to comfort her poorly," Anastasia said as she set her bag down. Thankfully, Milah was already lying on the bed in position so it was easy enough to check to see how far along she was. "Milah, I've got good news and bad news."

"What's the good news?" Hook asked.

"It looks like it's going to be a quick labor," Anastasia said. "Though that might also be the bad news. You're almost fully dilated, you'll need to push soon."

"And on that note, I'm going to go make sure the other sunspots don't destroy the Underworld," Hades said. "Smee, Mollie, you coming with or staying here?"

"I'll..." Smee said but paused and looked over at Hook.

Hook shook his head. "Go on Smee. Something tells me Milah's not going to want a crowd for this."

"You'd be right!" Milah exclaimed, groaning as the contraction went through her. "James, you're doing the next one if we have another child!"

"That's what you said last time love," Hook said with a small chuckle as Hades, Smee, and Mollie left the room. "I think you've proven that's not possible for me to do."

Hades shook his head and closed the door. "Better the sunspots don't hear that," he said as Smee and Mollie looked at him quizzically.

"Lord Hades...I've been meaning to ask..." Mollie said, her voice soft as they made their way to the den and their sparring children/wards/random VKs. "Why do you call the kids 'sunspots'? I...I know it's what you called Hercules..."

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