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A week after the whole incident.

"Calli, I hope you aren't going to kill me" Says Kiara as she continues to hold Calli's hand and they walked through  what seemed like a forest, although she wouldn't know because she had a blind fold over her eyes.

"I would never." Calli says with a fond smile.

"Sure." Kiara says sarcastically and Calli rolls her eyes.

"No but really where are we going?" Kiara asks

"I can't tell you but we are very close." Calli says and Kiara stays quiet until they finally get there

" Ok let me get behind you to take the blindfold off." Calli says and doesn't as she says, it takes a couple of seconds before Kiara realizes where she is.

"We used to come here to star gaze, so I thought why not do it again." Calli says, and Kiara smiles.

"Is this our date?" Kiara says with a smirk

"Are you disappointed?" Calli asks with worry.

"No, this is perfect but I would love to dance with you." Kiara says as she types something on her phone music starts to play.

"Would you mind giving me this dance madame?" Kiara asks with a hand out and Calli takes it before being pulled in, they dance slowly until the video finally end, Kiara looks at Calli who had taken lead at one point and pulls her down for a kiss.

"I love you." Kiara says and Calli smiles.

"I love you too" Calli says.

"Hey Kiara, will you be my girlfriend?" She asks and Kiara laughs before smiling.

"Yes Calli." She says and smiles

"I'm so glad you remember me." Calli says and Kiara nods in agreement. They stayed together staring at the stars and dancing under the moon.


HEYO, LMAO sorry it took too long to post this, let me tell you writing a complicated past is difficult, my writing has gotten better since the beginning of this story. I would love to thank all of the people who waited on me to finish this, and those who read it when a new chapter came out, and those who left I want to thank you for even giving me a chance. I'm so grateful for everyone and want to thank you for joining me on this journey that my mind created. Thank you all for being patient and I'll see y'all later in the sequel that focuses on the other three.

Word count: 409

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