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Here have a skit of what was happening in my mind and why I had to move the deadline for this one.
My brain: here have an awesome creative idea.
Me: but like this has nothing to do with the story that I'm writing right now-
My brain: yeah, I don't care, just have it and use it for another story that you're definitely gonna write.
Me: but-
My brain: shhh, just take it.
Anyways that's pretty much what has been happening, I got distracted that's on me. Also Finals suck.

I look at the crowd, tears in my eyes but a smile so wide that it hurt my cheeks. All I heard was silence and then clapping and cheering was heard around the bar.

"Wow, that was all for this band folks. I'm definitely gonna countinue to look out for their music." The announcer says and she walks back on stage signaling to people to help with Ina's drums, Fox looked everywhere she looked confused but she then shook her head, closed her eyes, and massaged her temples.

"Hey you good?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah just a small headache." She groans softly and I nod my head she then looks up again and shakes her head once more.

"Happens when there's to much loud noises or when I play trumpet for long periods of time. Also sometimes just randomly." She adds and takes a breath before smiling and going over to the back and putting her instrument up, she then runs back with what looked like my phone.

"Hey, it was ringing back there." She says and then runs off.

"Hello?" I ask and I hear crying.

"She woke up." I hear a gentle voice say and my eyes widen.

"I'll be right there." I say and hang up, then I run towards Watson and she looks at me with confusion.

"Kiara has awoken." I say and Amelia's eyes widen, Fox was already gone but all of the other girls heard me, and I knew we all had just one thought;

"We need to go..." With that we run to the hospital, our cases at hand and I could feel myself start to sweat, I felt many emotions; like fear, excitement, and worry.

"Don't worry about it." Amelia says as she runs beside me. I was leading, but Ame was right beside me, Gura was slower since she wanted to make sure Ina was ok, Ina was at the back panting and taking deep breaths.

"I just hope that she remembers me this time." I say and Amelia nods.

"We all do Calli, but even if she doesn't we have to tell her the truth." She says and I smile at her.

"I was planning on doing that Watson." I say.

I spot the hospital pretty quickly and I turn my head slightly to see if Ina and Gura were still behind me. I see them and speed up a bit, panting too. We got to the hospital and run past the door and see my mother-

"Wait..... I'm not married to Kiara.......yet-" I think but then shake my head.

"You know what I don't have time for this." I think and walk closer towards Ms. Takanashi, I tap her shoulder and when she looks up, I notice her eyes were glazed with tears. She reaches her arms out and envelopes my whole body in a warm hug.

Remember Me~ (Takamori, Human Au, School Au)Where stories live. Discover now