Classes, Nap Time, and Lunch during the rain

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Put some quiet and relaxing rain sounds, you can listen to it while reading if you want but if you don't want you don't have to. :D. Nvm Wattpad is a jerk to people on the app. ;-;
I walk into my third period class and smile at Gura. She waves and smiles back. "Hey Calli, How did it go?" I look at her blue eyes. "I think she might be hospitalized for a while." I say with a small smile. She nods and then looks at me. "Hey Calli, do you have any food?" She asks me and I look into my backpack, pull out a cookie and give it to her. She smiles and starts to eat it. "Thank you, Calli." I giggle and look forward. The bell rings and our teacher walks in. "Ok class open your books to page 69." I hear Gura snicker "Nice" she whispers and grins at me when I turn to look at her. The teacher started to read the pages we where on and I started to go to sleep but then I heard little noises outside the window and I turn to look at the window beside me. "It's raining" I think and turn back to sleep to the peaceful sound of rain. I wake up to the sound of the bell and start to leave my class with Gura following close by. "Hey Gura, want to go get ingredients later for our dinner?" I ask her still looking forward. "Sure!" She says with a cherry smile.

Gura and me start to head towards the lunchroom while talking to each other. We sit at our table and pull out our lunch while we wait for the rest. First was Watson, who took a seat next to Gura, then Ina as she smiled at all of us and lastly Kiara walked in and hugged me "Hey Calli~" She greeted me before sitting down. "So, do you guys want to explain why you were sleeping in each other's room?" Ina asks us while she starts to eat. We all look at each other with faces extremely red. Kiara sighed and looked at Ina, still red. "I have nightmares every once in a while so I asked Calli if I could sleep with her." Kiara says embarrassed and I nod in agreement. "Ok, what about you Amelia and Gura?" Ina asks with a smirk and I turn to look at them. "Damn they're redder than cherries!" I think ask I look at them. "Gura fell asleep on the couch and my room was the closest to the livingroom, so I took her to my room." Watson explained not looking at any of us. "Hey Watson, didn't you say you sleep without clothes?" I ask when I remembered what she had told us. "I normally do but I'm not gonna take my clothes off when I'm sleeping with a friend" I could hear the bitterness in her voice when she said friends. I quietly sigh "Poor Watson" I think and we lock eyes. I then feel a hand grab my own and I look down just to see Kusotori's hand holding mine. I slap her hand away and look at her, she just smiles and winks. "Ooooooh Kiara and Calli are flirting!" Gura says and smirks. I look at all of them, Watson and Gura are looking at me with smirks and Ina is just smiling. I glare at them and Kiara giggles. "We are not flirting!" I exclaim and Kiara decides to say something. "Oh Calli I told you that we wouldn't be able to hide our undying love for each other." Kusotori says dramatically. "KUSOTORI WE ARE NOT DATING!" I exclaim while I was as red as Watson's tie. I turn to look at the other girls and they are laughing harder than ever. Once they settled down we started to eat peacefully and Kiara still tried to hold my hand and I once again slap her hand. Suddenly she changes her target and goes for my thigh. I, Of course, slap her hand away but once again that catches Gura's attention. "Hey Calli what are you doing?" She asks with a smirk. "Trying to stop Kusotori from touching my thigh!" I exclaim a bit and the girls laugh again. I was about to say something but then the dismissal bell rang and we walk toward our classes. "See you all later, ok?" I say as I start to walk away. I look over and see Kiara laughing at something Ina said and feel a painful and gross feeling in my chest.

I get to my class and sit at the seat closest to the window, at the very back. I still have that gross feeling but I look at the window and see that it is still raining. "I hope you remember me soon Kiara." I think with a sad sigh and have my hand propped on the desk to hold my head. "..... I need a break" I think before lowering my head and start to go to sleep. As I was falling asleep I thought of Kiara's laughter and her purple shining eyes. "She's adorable, I love her" I don't realize what I thought of and go to dream land while listening to the rain.

Nice, I wrote this during a rainy week and felt the need to write this. I love the rain, I don't know if Calli does though.....I'm gonna say that she does like it in this story, but if anyone knows than can you tell me? Anyways have a nice day or night.

Word count:940

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