The question

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This is in Calli's P.O.V, I'm really tired so this one might be trash compared to the other chapters but I wanna finish this book and the sequel quickly so I can work on a different idea that I have, that doesn't mean that I'm gonna rush this story though. I was going through comments that you guys have posted on my story and I just realized how scary you guys are. Σ(°△°|||)︴

"H-hey Calli..." I hear her say and I hum an answer out gently.

"" I hear her say and then her breathing slows down, I could feel my face burn red, I then sigh and kiss her head.

"Good night Kusotori," I say softly and start to hug her. I then start to dose off when I hear the door open.

"Hey Calli can we sleep with y'all?" I hear Gura say and I turn to see three worried girls. I sigh hold Kiara and move us to the side so the rest of the girls can fit in the bed too, I then nod and they all start to get comfortable in the bed with us.

"Goodnight girls" I say and fall asleep while cuddling Kiara and hearing a mumbled answer from everyone else.

Time skip I know how much you guys love these.

   I wake up and start to look around only to see that it was still dark outside. I then remember that we still haven't called Kiara's mom so I look at her.

"She's so peaceful....but I have to wake her up for a couple of seconds." I think to myself and shake her softly, when she finally wakes up she looks up at me and blinks two times.

"Calli?" She asks with a raspy voice and I feel myself blush.

"Yes, it's me, Kiara what's your mom's number?" I ask and she gives it to me.

"Thanks, I'm gonna go call her now, ok?" I tell Kiara and she goes back to sleep almost immediately. I then start to walk out of the room and then go towards the front door. Once I was outside of the house I start to dial the number.

"Hello?" I hear a voice from the other line.

"Hello, Is this Kiara's mom?" I ask and I hear shuffling.

"Yes, Is my daughter ok!?" She asks frantically and I sigh.

"She is fine in a way..." I trail off.

"What do you mean?" Kiara's mom asks and I bite my lip a bit.

"Kiara was.......harrassed tonight by a guy from our school.....I'm sorry." I whisper the last part and I hear her gasp and I decided to continue.

"Right now she's with me at a friend's house sleeping, is it ok if she stays here for the night?" I ask quietly.

"I guess, she has been there for half of the night already." She says softly.

"Hey, Calli..." I hear her say

"Yes?" I ask softly and I stare up at the stars.

"You can ask, I mean it's just you and me right." She reassures me and I nod, even if I knew that she couldn't see it.

"Yes, but are you sure? I don't want to hit a sensitive topic." I say in a small quiet voice.

"Don't worry, just ask away." She says but I could hear the pain in her voice.

"Ok then, if you are sure, why doesn't Kiara remember me?"

Hnnng this was trash but hey we're getting closer to the ending and we finally got to the backstory arc, am I right everyone? Also, I'm using Grammarly and honestly, I don't know how I feel about it

Word count: 617

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