Understand. (A bit of Amelia's P.O.V)

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Before we start I need to say that whatever the hell I wrote in Amelia's P.O.V of this chapter will probably not be relevant to the story at all but will make sense in the Amesame book, just please trust me on this.


"Hey guys, what do you wa-" I hear Gura's voice and we both freeze.

"Oh ummmm sorry." She says and gives us a sheepish smile and put one of her hands to the back of her head.

"Guh..." I say quietly and stand up straight again

"Don't worry about it, I just noticed something on Calli's face and was trying to blow it off." Said Kiara very convincingly.

"She lies as naturally as she breaths...." I think and nod my head but it looks like Gura doesn't believe us, she shrugs her shoulders.

"Anyways, what do you guys want to eat?" She say.

"Waffles!" Me and Kiara say at the same time. We then look at each other and giggle a bit.

"Pancakes are fine." I say and walk out of the room so I wouldn't have to fight Kiara about which one we should eat.

"Soooo did you kiss?" Amelia asks beside me and I jump.

"Holy fuck Watson, you scared the crap out of me." I say and take a deep breath to calm my racing heart.

"Sorry, but you didn't answer my question." She says and I roll my eyes.

"What are you talking about, me and Kiara are just homies." I say and start to speed up.

"Yeah, right. If you guys aren't more then friends, then why do you let her cuddle you, hold your hand, or flirt with you?" She asks with a smug smile, we start to walk downstairs.

"She sleeps with me because she has nightmares, I let her hold my hand because it calms her down, lastly I don't let her flirt with me." I say and glare lightly at her.

"Why do you do it though? You just met her like 4 months ago (I LOST TRACK OF TIME, IM SORRY.) and I don't remember you letting us do that." She says with a quiet voice, thinking of all the possibilities.

   I look around, once we get to the bottom of the stairs. I see that no one was around and start to pull her arm as I walk towards a room that looked like an office. She looks at me with wide eyes but doesn't try to stop me.

"Ok, Amelia you gotta promise something to me." I say with a pretty serious voice. She nods and stares at me intently.

"You cannot tell Kiara about this!" I say and she nods again.

"I've know Kiara since before High school but, according to her mom, she got in a terrible accident that ended up killing her dad and caused her to lose her memories of me." I say and Watson's eyes widen.

"Then why don't you just tell her that?" She asks while she turns her head to the side like a curious dog.

"Amelia, I've known Kiara for a while, and she use to forget a lot of things so I know what she does to try and remember. She overworked herself and  sometimes even beats herself up if she can't remember at all. I don't want her to go through all of that." I say and Amelia nods her head.

"I see." Is all she says

"Now, do you understand why I haven't told her yet?" I say and she nods.

"Ok let's go." I say but Amelia speaks up before I could leave.

"Actually I need to talk to Ina and Gura about something." She say with a serious voice.

"What is it about?" I say as I narrow my eyes.

"I found something out that would intrest them. One of my "special" cases, some might say." She says with a smile but her eyes showed fear and excitement. I sigh knowing I couldn't pry anymore than that.

"Ok, I'll get them for you." I say and walk out.

"That was weird." I think but don't think much of it.

Amelia Watson's P.O.V, Let's go baby

   I patiently wait for my special friend and my closest friend to walk into the room with me.

"Take deep breaths Watson. You just have to tell them about their families......" I think but I could feel myself sweat slightly.

"Hey bozo, you wanted to see us?" I hear Gura's voice say with a hint of playfulness, I turn and see Ina was looking at the ground

"Yes, it's about......your parents." I say and Ina quickly looks up and at my eyes.

"Well, what did you find?" Gura says and Ina nods. I sigh and close my eyes.

"Oh great and powerful Matsuri senpai, please help me get the courage I need." I think to myself before I look up with serious eyes.

"Ok so let's start with Ina. Ina's family was Korean, from what she has told me. Right?" I look over at Ina who nods. I then walk over to a cabinet full of folders.

"These are mine. My dad let me have one for cases like this, although he doesn't really allow them." I say as I look through them.

"Here they are." I open them and wave my hand so they would come closer.

"As you can see here we have a bit of DNA test. The members of a gang left a bit of evidence. That evidence was then examined but what was weird about it was that it matched your DNA Ina." I say and I turn the page.

"That leads us to think that your family is part of a gang, that goes by one name: The Ancient One's" I say and look up to Ina who looked like she was processing all of the information I had just given her.


They are one of the strongest gangs out there, but that's all that I've gathered." I finish off and Ina nods.

"Hm, well can you tell me if you find anything new?" She asks and I nod

"Hey, what about me Watson?" Asked Gura and I turn to look at her.

"That's the thing Gura, I haven't found anyone that is related to you, but there has been sightings of hitman/women with the same characteristics, weird enough I didn't find anything on you either." I say and Gura's eye widen

"What!?" She asks

"Let me refraice that, I have found anything on you from 1-3 years old, no data nothing, until your adoptive parents. It's like you just popped into existence." I finish and she nods.

"That's all I have for now, but I'll tell you if I find new information. Now let's go back before those to start eating each others faces off." I say and we all start to walk in silence with our thoughts.

"This is gonna be a harder case then I originally thought." I think and we make it to the kitchen.

Did I just add random lore into the story? Yes. Am I gonna explain any further? Nope, atleast not until the next book. Have a nice day everyone.

Word count: 1,203

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