Magenta Eyes (at some point it starts to fade to 3rd person P.O.V)

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At some point during the ending of the song the point of view changes and I will not warn anyone. Also most of the song is a flashback.
TW: Self harm, self hatred, panic attack, like two suicide thoughts, freaking voices in Calli's head, and we still need to get Calli some therapy...... honestly same-

"Well, I'll see you guys later!" I say once we finish our hang out.

"Yeah, see you in 2 hours." Gura says with a bright smile and then turns to Watson, at that time I decided that it was a good time to start leaving.

"So Watson, you want Chinese food......." I hear faintly behind me and then I let the breath that I was holding out of my body.

"I don't know who's glare was worst Watson's or Ina's" I think and shudder in fear. Once at my house, I start to look around, old pictures.

"Maybe I should sleep the rest of the hours." I think and start to head towards my room. I take my phone out and set an alarm so I can wake up 30 minutes before the show. I set my phone to the side before lay down, I then pull my covers up and close my eyes and sleep comes to me easily.

Hey guess what? We going into Calli's mind! :D

"What the hell?" I think when I feel a cold breeze hit me. I open my eyes and only see darkness, I hear a familiar laugh.

"You know this is your fault." I hear a voice say to me... Wait, I recognize that voice!

"Where the hell are you Kiara!" I yell into the darkness before she appears right in front of me.

"Why didn't you protect me Calli?" She asks me with a mocking tone

"Why didn't you tell me that you knew me on the first day?" She asks and I sigh

"I didn't tell you because I thought I was worth forgetting." I say softly

"And you would be correct, Calliope." She says, venom laced in her voice and I see her smile turn into a frown, but then she takes one step back and I see a guy walk out of the shadows.

"S-Sensei!?" I think and stare, my sight then start to blur as tears well up in my eyes

"I'm highly disappointed, Calliope." Sensei says and I start to sob.

"I-im sorry....I'm so so sorry." I say through sobs

"You think a simple, 'sorry' is gonna make this better?" Kiara asks and takes a step forward.

"I was assulted and shot while on your watch!" She yells and step closer again, at that movement I walk back before I fell backwards.

"I told you to protect her, didn't I Calliope?" Sensei says and I nod my head.

"I should've just left you at the orphanage." He says and my eyes widen

Suddenly another figure starts to come out of the shadows and I gasp, she had long pink hair, eyes that were almost the same shade of her hair, and such pale skin that you could have confused her for a vampire. I recognize this figure very well and she got close to me. I back up a lot and stare at her with wide eyes.

"You know what? You should kill yourself..." She says and my eyes widen.

"You're pathetic, you hurt Kiara and you've been lying to her." She says and gets closer.

Remember Me~ (Takamori, Human Au, School Au)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin