Very Important Please Read

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Ok you might all be wondering why the hell this chapter is called this. Well I am here to talk about the whole Takamori issue.

Will I stop writing Takamori?

No, the dynamic is great and I have many ideas. When I get my hands on something that interests me, then I won't let it go until I get bored, it dies, or I run out of ideas.

Do I still ship it?

Yes, I was never super hardcore shipper but it is one of my main ships and as I have said it before, I love their dynamic.

How do I feel about it?

Imma be honest, at first it hurt because of the whole PopularMMOs break up (yes I know it happened a while back but I hadn't gotten over them, they were my childhood) but I have watched Kiara since a bit after her debut and I watched her grow, and just like my sister has said "Old tricks get boring for both the audience and the performer." So I respect her opinion thoroughly.

How do I feel about others being mad at Kiara?

Some shippers are taking things to far. This isn't you life meaning it's not  for you to decide what Kiara wants so it's better if you stop. If Kiara doesn't want a part in the ship or doesn't want to continue playing that role then we will respect that and let her be herself.

Anything else?

Hmmm, not really. I just felt the need to clear things up on my end so no one misunderstands me. I do ship Kiara with other people like Ame and a bit with Pekora, but I mainly like Takamori and I know some of you agree. Anyways enjoy reading the chapter after this.

Please respect my opinion and respect other people's opinions.

Word count: 308

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