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       I start to move when I feel something warm near my body. " warm" I start to cuddle closer but then I realized that I don't own anything warm that is on my bed. I open my eyes and look beside me, I see fiery orange and then I see a peaceful face on top of my collarbone. "K-kiara!?" My eyes widen in confusion and fear "What did I do last night!? We didn't do anything wrong, right?" Memories of last night flash through and I let out a sigh of relief. I was gonna stand up when I feel her arms wrapped around my waist.  Then I feel her start to shift a bit in her sleep. Once she is done moving I let go of her and grab my phone to check the time........."6:30. SHIT WE ARE GONNA BE LATE IF WE DON'T GO NOW" I start to panic and then start to shake Kiara softly. "Hey Kiara wake up it's a school day and we don't want to be late." I try to wake her up, she groaned and turned around but did not wake up. I start to shake her harder "Kiara we need to get ready" I tell her once more this time she opens her eye and looks at me "Calli? Five more minutes." She mumbles but I tell her something before she falls asleep. "Kiara it's 6:30-" at that her eyes widen and she sits up. "WHAT!?" She yells before running out of my room to get ready. I start to put my uniform on and make toast for us. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier Calli!?" I hear Kiara yell at me from her room. "I literally just woke up, I'm guessing the othe-" At that I see Watson's door slam open and see Gura and Watson run out of the room. They make eye contact with me and then Kiara. "YOU GUYS ARE STILL HERE!?" I yell at both of them. "I think Ina was the only one to leave." Gura says as she grabs her bag and runs out with Watson. Me and Kiara follow very closely behind them.

          We all run into the room and see Ina laughing at us. "Ina why didn't you wake us up!?" Gura asks but then I push them because I had heard Ms.Emna's shoes. "We can ask later but first let's get to our seats now!" We all hurry to our seats. Ms.Enma walks in and starts class. I see a paper ball hit Ina and turn to see who it was only to see Amelia looking at Ina with a questioning look. I then see Ina open the paper ball and write something, throwing it to Watson. I then see Watson glare at Ina, write something on the paper and throw it to Gura. She opens it and looks at Ina and Watson, after she throws it to Kiara and Kiara opens it then glares at Ina. After she gives it at me and I read what it says:

Ina why didn't you wake us up?

Well I did knock at your door, but you were asleep and I didn't want to be late. Plus you guys looked cute sleep together

Pass it around then

    My eyes widen and I look at Ina, she winks at me and turns towards the board. "She definitely saw us. Now I have to explain it to her" I groan internally at the fact that she wasn't gonna let me live this down. I then remembered that Watson and Gura coming out of the same room. I turn to look at them and Amelia was looking at the board but I could see her with a blush and nervous. "Lunch and dinner are gonna me very awkward." I think to myself before looking back at the board and paying attention. "All of that will be later, next period though, I will beat the crap out of a girl." I smile to myself and wait for the bell to ring.

   Oof ok so I just wrote it like a hour ago and it was difficult because more book stories came to mind and now I have three ideas that I'm probably gonna write in the near future. Anyways have a nice day or night

Word count:729

Remember Me~ (Takamori, Human Au, School Au)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ