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Jungkook was in a meeting with his employees when he received a call , he simply ignored it and continued his work .

" sir sorry to interrupt but there's a call for you " irene walked inside the conference room.

" ask them to call later, don't you see I'm doing things " jungkook said.

" they say it's urgent ; it's the dean of the Seoul University " irene replied her head hung low.

Jungkook had threatened the university authorities so no one would dare to mess with taehyung   .

" bring it to me " he didn't waste a second and snatched the phone out of his secretaries hand , he wanted to make sure taehyung is okay .

"S_sir jeon " the dean stuttered 

" what happened ? " jungkook asked immediately.

" kim taehyung got into a fight with one of the students ; can we have you here ? " the dean doesn't want to get in jeon jungkook's bad books ; so he's doing what he should that is let jungkook handle the problem.

Jungkook left the conference room leaving his employees dumbfounded. What if taehyung was injured? What if taehyung is hurted in anyway? . That's the only thought going through his head .



At the university:

When jungkook entered the Dean's office with Jin ; he saw taehyung and another boy standing there with their head hung low.

" Have a seat Mr. Jeon " the dean of the university stood up to welcome the mafia leader. 

On the other side jungkook wasn't able to see taehyung's face , but he also felt relieved when he saw tae standing there safe .

" what's the matter ? What happened? " jin continued the conversation knowing jungkook wasn't going to talk  .

" that boy broke my son's nose master seokjin " a man in his 50's spoke up.

" I'm not talking to you kang ; let me listen to the situation first " jin answers the man who was seojun's father.

" mm both taehyung and seojun get into arguments often , they act like rivals in the university; things went really far today and they got into a physical fight " the dean explained the situation.

" it's not my fault ; seojun keeps testing my patience . He crossed his limits today " taehyung now spoke up finally looking up . His face was bruised , a burst on his lip and eyes teary . He was not crying because of seojun or the stupid fight he just had . He got emotional when he saw jungkook there , taehyung wanted to hug the older and complain about everything.

" you started the fight kim ; look what you've done " seojun said pointing at his bloody face .

' you deserved it bitch , i regret not breaking your head " taehyung argued  .

Jungkook who was calm until now couldn't control himself anymore ; taehyung's bruised face and teary eyes made him want to kill seojun and his father. He got up making taehyung and seojun shutup and stop their stupid arguments.

Taehyung and seojun were both terrified.  Seojun thought he's getting killed by jungkook today and taehyung though he disappointed jungkook and wasted his time today .
Before taehyung could process there was a hand stroking his bruised cheek , very gently to sooth his pain .

" why ? " jungkook spoke a single word . He wanted to kill seojun right here but he has to make sure taehyung stops getting into unnecessary trouble.

Taehyung simply looked into jungkook's eyes giving questioning look to the older .

" it's not my fault jungkook , i was minding my own business , he locked me up in the classroom " taehyung replied.

The mafia leader's eyes shot at seojun who was a sweating mess .he's not causing a scene here .

" let's go home princess " jungkook calmly said.

" No ; not until you break his bones " taehyung gritted out , he was not serious though . But god he has no idea that the devil will surely do that for him .

" as you wish but not here ; go get your stuff I'll join you " jungkook smiled.

" o_ okay " taehyung started walking away hella confused, he shrugged his thoughts.  There's no way jungkook will get into this .


" let's forget this sir . Jeon; students get into fights " kang spoke up .

" forget you had another son kang " jungkook stated .

" what? " kang turned pale .

" he harmed the dearest person to me kang ; stay away and our deals will continue " jungkook warned.

" jin hyung  " jin nodded he understood what he has to do .

Jungkook walked away leaving a screaming seojun who was begging his father and a crying father who couldn't do anything.
Kang has no option here jungkook does what he want's he can just pray for his son's life.



When jungkook walked towards his car he could see taehyung quietly sitting inside . A mixed expression of hurt , anger and frustration.

Jungkook entered the car shutting the door breaking taehyung's stance . They just looked at each other for few seconds when taehyung broke the eye contact.

" I'm sorry " taehyung said fiddling with his fingers a habit when he gets nervous.

" what for darling " jungkook moved closer to the younger and ruffled his hair .

" i wasted your time and caused trouble " taehyung replied.

" you don't have to be and it wasn't your fault ; I'll make sure to make him pay for today "

Taehyung hugged jungkook tightly and snuggled close taking in the elders cologne . His safe place . Jungkook kissed his hair and rubbed the youngers back comforting him ; he likes doing this.  He feels proud of himself when taehyung seeks for comfort in him , he loves to be taehyung's safe place .

" H_he tricked me into entering that empty classroom " taehyung started narrating today's events .

" H_he locked me up for hours ; i cried for help but no one could hear me " taehyung cried wetting jungkook's shirt with tears.

" it it was so dark in there ; I'm afraid of dark jungkook , i suffer from nyctophobia ; I_i couldn't breath there jungkook, i felt so helpless " taehyung cried hugging the life outof the mafia leader.

Jungkook was shocked due to the new information; taehyung had phobia of extreme darkness.  He hugged the other tightly. It breaks his heart into pieces seeing taehyung cry and hurt . He feels absolutely helpless seeing his angel in pain .

" shh it's okay see I'm here ; I'll never let darkness come to you my angel " jungkook kept encouraging him and kissing his forehead  thinking about the worst way to torture seojun.

He'll do anything to protect taehyung from any darkness and evil . He'll light up the world only for taehyung to be safe . Now he knows why taehyung sleeps really early at night and doesn't scroll his phone like other youngster's in bed ( like you and me bitch 🥴)

A/N : nyctophobia is a phobia of extreme darkness ; like in a place with zero source of light . So taehyung is totally fine during nights when there are lights around .
( perks of being a medical student 🥂😉)

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