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( seoul morning)

It was 7 in the morning ; jungkook was already sitting in his conference room with Jin and the other gang leaders from across asian countries. 

" buying weapons from italy isn't the best option sir . Jeon , the Italian mafia are our biggest rivals out there " a man said

" and you're the weakest leader here mr . Choi, what makes you think we'll take your opinion into consideration? " jin asked with a bored face .

Jungkook just sat there ; already finalized his decision.  But he has to listen to the leaders under him or should I say pretend?

Choi just sat there not able to take the embarrassment anymore.

' what do you think mr . Kim ' ?
Jin asked KIM DAEHYUN one of the most powerful leaders working under jungkook.  The said man is experienced and wise but also dangerous.

" i agree with sir jeon's decision.       Italy is the top producer of weapons, the best quality and comparatively lower rates , also making a deal with the Italian mafia will help us create a better relationship with them " kim stated

Everyone nooded their heads and were impressed by mr . Kim
But Choi wasn't having any of that .
"B _but____'
Before choi could say anything he was shot between his forehead now his lifeless body laid on the ground. 

Jungkook kept his gun on the table
" useless , i don't need snakes here " he said glaring at chois body

" it's decided we're buying weapons from Italy; anyone with any objection? I'm more than happy to kill " jungkook said smirking. 

"No " everybody said not wanting to face death.

" dismissed " he said and walked out carrying his dark and powerful aura .



"Jungkook "

" hmm ?"

" you need to go final the deal by yourself " jin said

" when do i need to leave hyung ?"
Jungkook asked still working on his desk.

"'Day after tomorrow; it's better to do it fast so that we won't spend extra millions on weapons "

" okay jin hyung , make arrangements "

" yup " with that jin left his office

It's going to be a exhausting week
Jungkook thought and again drowned himself in work .

( venice ; Italy)

Jimin , taehyung and Selena were studying together at Selena's mansion.

" I'm done " jimin whined

" yea .. i can't do this anymore " selena joined him

" we're almost done " taehyung said rolling his eyes

" yea whatever "

" sel your new single is bop , i just heard it yesterday and also the music video is really cool " jimin complimented

" aww thankyou jiminie " Selena said squeezing his cheeks.

" well I'm sorry to break it to you dear jimie but i heard her song like a month ago and about the music video i was there for the shoot " taehyung teased

" you did that to me sel ? "
" am i not a friend of yours? "
" i really feel hurt  and betrayed "
Jimin started .

" shutup midget you were enjoying your little vacation in Hawaii you hoe " taehyung scolded

"Yeah shaking your flat ass to some shitty song " Selena added

" well " jimin rubbed his neck smiling sheepishly.
Then something clicked
" did you just call my ass flat ???

Selena and taehyung laughed at jimin who looked like a little angry puppy

" oh just kidding jim you've got the best ass here " selena said winking  at Jimin

" yeah I'm jealous too shorty " tae added futher more

" guys i was planning something " selena asked excited

" what is it sel "

" let's party hard before our exams , i really need to relive my stress " sel told them

" ofcourse we'd never say no to a party " jimin stood up excited

" yes and i don't think we'll have a chance later , i mean you guys are leaving to Korean and I'm going back to the states soo "selena said now with teary eyes .

" hey Selly don't get sad , we'll haunt you in your dreams " jimin joked

" wtf jimin "
" we've been friends for so long , there's no way we're leaving your back " taehyung hugged her .

"  i love u " jimin joined the group hug .

" let's party hard boysssss " sel cheered

" yesssss "

" yesssss "

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