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Dally's POV:

Glade and I talked while Hector was doing whatever Away from the cave. I'm rubbing my hand over my scar from The infection, which was still throbbing. My fingers felt like elictricity on the new skin.

"I wish I could keep the scars." I say.

"Why?" Glade asked.

"They're tuff. I like them. They make me look invincible. I don't want the flowers on my cheek though."

"I don't really like scars. They're ickey."

"I wish they let us keep them."

"I'm glad they don't."

Suddenly, a very out of breath Hector rushes in. Glade and I stand up.

"M-m-m-muttations." Hector gasps. "The game makers are trying to drive us together. Hurry! Let's go!"

We don't gather our stuff because something tells me this is the last day of the games. We run. I look back and see the larger than life dogs knocking down trees. Hector fell behind. I didn't care. I half dragged Glade through the woods. There was a shot. A cannon. Glade toppled to the ground, an arrow in her skull. I turn around a second too late. Hector was five feet away, knocking an arrow, ready to shoot. He shot me in the fore arm of my good arm. I crumple to the ground, screaming. The arrow was barbed and went right through my arm. Hector ran off.

Then a giant furry mass jumps on top of me. The muttation scratched me lightly, but it was enough to critically draw blood on my chest, arms, and legs. My shirt was quickly shredded. I was completely numb and probably with several brokrn ribs. Blood poured from my nose and into my mouth. The claws practically mutilated my entire face and ripped open my scar. Blood poured out all sorts of places as I somehow manage to stab the monster and kill it. I drag myself towards wherever. I hear another cannon and hope it's for the girl from district 6 because she is too strong for me to take on in my injured state.

I collapse, trying to ease the pain. i lay bleeding on the ground, gasping for breath. My vision is getting blurry.

"Well well well." I see Hector standing above me. Then it clicks. Why he looks so familiar. It's not because his sister won last year, but because he looks just like Johnny. Same hair. Same eyes. Same skin tone. Almost the same vocal pitch.

he knocks an arrow and points it at me. "Goodbye, Dallas Winston." He says Just before letting an arrow plunge deep into my gut. My vision tints red. I throw a knife his way. I'm sure I missed but I saw blood fall from his neck. He stumbled back. I blacked out.

A second after blacking out, I heard a cannon. I wasn't sure if it was for me or Hector or both or just my mind playing tricks on me.



I'm evil.

Love ya!


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