Untitled Part 11

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Dally's POV:

I had a wierd series of dreams my first night in the arena. It starts out normal. I'm at the Curtis' house with the gang. they're drinking beer and fooling around. Next thing I know, I'm laying flat on my back in the lot, completely unable to move. I saw faces, slipping in and out of focus: first I see Ponyboy. His terrified face when his name was called in the reaping. The face that made me slightly suck to my stomach. "Don't do this." His vouce is soft and distant. Next I see Glade. Pale and scared. I hears her call my name but there's something in my ears, so it's distorted. I'm grateful she saved my life. Next there's Bob. "I'd be surprised if she made it past the bloodbath!" He laughed. I'm not sure why, but I just want to punch him in the face for saying that. ehen I survive this thing, I'll slap him good. Next I see Cherry, smiling and laughing as if I'd just saI'd something funny. I couldn't place the memory, but then I remembered last year before Marcia had been called in the reaping. Ponyboy, Johnny, and I had gone to watch theit last sunset together. I was never sure why I had even gone. Maybe I liked the redheaded soc. The next face was Peeta. "Stay alive" he says. He's really nice. But the entire time before the arena, I'd been rude to him. Maybe because Katniss is a major hottie. Her face appeared next. She reassured me, saying that I would win. She had tried to help me with archery, but it was no use. I absolutely sucked at shooting a bow and arrow no matter what. If it had been a heater, then I'd be fine. The last face I saw was Johnny's. "Stay alive, ya promise?" His voice echoed through my head. "I'll stay alive Johnny." I thought as my dream shifted. I saw the cornucopia. I was standing there all by myself. But it wasn't my arena. I was in the middle of the woods. Last years arena. I recognize it. Suddenly, a dark haired girl steps out from the cornucopia. "Hey Dal." It was Marcia. She was still in her clothes she'd worn in the arena. There was still blood coming from a chest wound, where an arrow stuck out of her body. "I'm stuck here." She gestures around us. "If you die in the arena, you get stuck here, slowly turning into a lost soul gone mad. There are others here too, but, they don't matter. What matters is that I tell you,"

I woke up before she could finish her sentence. What? What did Marcia need to tell me?


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