Untitled Part 16

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Glade's POV:

We're walking through the woods silently, watching for any other tributes. Eleven tributes are dead so far. I tied a long stick to my knife with a vine to make a spear, and it actually works pretty well. It caught us a rabbit, which we will cook later when we start getting hungry.

Suddenly, Dally screams in pain and crumples to the ground. there is an arrow sticking out of his arm. Luckily, not his good arm and the only worry there would be was making sure he doesn't bleed to death. I look in front of us, spear raised. Three careers have bows and arrows, the bows loaded. I know for a fact that They couldve and would've killed us both wirh a single arrow. They wanted to make us suffer. It was the girl from district 1 and both tributes from district 2. All three of them had scored nines. I couldn't shoot one with my spear, they might catch it. Even if I could bring one down, the other two would ambush me. The girl from district 2 shot an arrow so it created a waterfall of blood to stream down the right side of Dally's face. The boy from district 2 shot me the same way in the ankle, causing me to collapse. I turned sideways just in time for an arrow to scrape across my forehead. I was blinded by the stinging blood which rolled down my face. I wiped the blood out of one eye and saw the girl from district 1 come foward with her knife In hand while her companions went to collect our stuff. She bent down next to me and jabbed the tip of her knife into my cheek and cut into the skin around the lower right side of my face. Then she went to work on Dally. We both cried in agony for them to stop. Before disappearing into the woods, the boy from district 2 let an arrow fly through my foot. But I was already too numb to feel the pain. 

Everything went black.



I'll update this tomorrow.

I'm evil.

Ya Sorry About that.

Love ya!


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