Untitled Part 6

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Glade's POV:

The people of the Capitol make me extremely uncomfortable, but I have to do exactly what they say, because that's the strategy Katniss and Peeta said they had to do. my prep team examines my naked body, already plucked, perfumed, trimmed, and my skins so shiny I cam see my reflection in it. After a while, my stylist, Vern, comes in. He's a really tall guy with a shaven head and glittery tattoos all over his body. Luckily, the stylists have stayed with the whole fire thing somewhat over the past few years. First, they do my hair. They chalked it so it started golden, then subtly moved to orange, then to red. Apparently when I move, my hair looks like fire. I try it, and it really does look like its flames. Then they. Give me a long black robe, black stockings, black gloves, and shiny black shoes. when I see myself in the mirror, I am astonished at how awesome I look. When I saw Dally, I laughed. He looked rediculous despite the fact that he was wearing the exact same outfit. They had given him feathery hair extensions to match the length and volume of mine. they were the same colors as my hair. Vern gave us gold headbands which somehow made our entire body glow. Then we get on the chariot thing and all the chariots start moving to the circle. Once it was dark, Dally and I are engulphes in a bubble of gold light. The crowd goes wild as we bring up the rear. The girl from district 11, a tall burly girl who obviously was ADD, looked over her shoulder at us. Dally winked and nodded like, 'sup.' the district 11 girl makes a face and rolls her eyes as she turns back around.


Okay ya I know that One did not come out right.

What do you think?

Love ya!


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