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Walls have ears
Doors have eyes
Trees have voices
Beasts tell lies
Beware the rain
Beware the snow
Beware the man
You think you know

Lily sits by the raging fire in the brick cast fireplace, the home smelling of pine, cinnamon and oranges. The wood crackles through the cold winter's night as music plays upon the record player on the table. The Yule log stands tall, holding candles as they burn and wither down. A cup of warm cider rests between her hands as they drink rests in the bottom of her belly to warm her spirits. She watches as her mother's enjoy the freshly baked cake with powered sugar and nuts. She smiles as Wanda feeds Agnes a small fork full of the delicious dessert. Lily loves seeing just how much her mother's love each other. It warms her heart to see such kindness and adoration between them. They've been this way her whole life, and way before. Agnes and Wanda are deeply, seriously, and undeniably in love. They've created such a warm and welcoming home and environment for their family, and they wouldn't change it for the world.

Lily soon finishes her cider and gets up from her spot on the floor to pour herself another cup in the kitchen. She returns to the living room to see her mother's curled up on the couch together, a moment she wishes she could capture and save forever. She returns to the floor, sitting next to the fireplace with another cup of cider, simply enjoying this time with her parents. She enjoys the music that rings through her ears, she enjoys the cider that drips down her throat, she enjoys the pine that tickles her nose, and she enjoys the fire that lights up her eyes.

Agnes then leans forward and reaches her hand out towards her daughter. Lily scoots closer to the couch to join hands with their mothers as their eyes close.

" May the dawn of the Winter Solstice chase the dark away
May it bring you the promise of endless brand new days
May all of your sorrows vanish and all of your dreams come true
And may the light of the Winter Solstice always shine on you."

The candles upon the Yule log flicker as the incantation comes to life. The three witches open their eyes and let go of their hands, feeling a cozy sensation in their chests.

The fire begins to die down at the cold winter's night grows and shouts from outside. The snow falls down, but the angry wind picks it up and swirls it all round to create a beautiful surprise.

The home stands protected by the circle of salt cast on the ground now frozen. With it holds a great power and threat to anyone who dare enter, need they not belong.

A protection spell is unfortunately very necessary for the Blackwood family, and as such the salt circle has remained in its place for years and years.

It serves as a stark reminder that they are never truly safe in this town, or practically anywhere.

Because of who they are, they live with a permanent target on their backs.

Times like this make them forget that harsh truth. Celebrating the Wheel of the Year with family makes everything else drown out, allowing them to focus on what happens inside their hallowed halls. Lily's progress through life has taken place inside this home, and Agnes and Wanda have been there for every single moment. They were there for her when she got her first period, and they were there for her the day she discovered her powers. Her true powers.

They helped her through that dark time, and while they remember, Lily seems to have forgotten.

She acts as if it never happened, but her encounters with the dead plague her mind regardless.

And while she may not remember, the dead won't let her forget.

The loud ringing of the landline breaks Lily's fantasy bubble. She turns her head and gets up off the floor before anyone else can. She enters the kitchen and grabs the plastic phone to bring it up to her ear.

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