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October soon rolls in, the school year continuing on and drawing more academic potential out of the students. The air brings in a crisp fall stroke to the exposed skin of those in Hawkins, and when the goose bumps form they know it's time to throw on a jacket.

Even the cheer squad is making the transition to long sleeves.

And despite it all, Lily still keeps her secret. Non-magic bearing beings are not meant to know of a world in which magic exists, for if they do bad things are bound to happen. Witches have been prosecuted for all of time, and there secret is one that must be kept at all costs.

She keeps up the lie at school, and doesn't think twice when Lucas ends up joining the basketball team. He claims it's because of her charm, but it contained no magic. It was just an ordinary rock, and Lucas was successful all on his own.

One day, as soon as the bell rings at the end of the day, Lily is called into the principal's office. She sits on the chair across from the desk, listening intently to the principal's uncomfortable words.

" We've received a few... complaints about your, um... choice in wardrobe," Principal Coleman states, leaning forward on his desk as he fiddles with his thumbs.

" What about it?" Lily shrugs.

He's unable to make eye contact as he prepares his next sentence carefully

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He's unable to make eye contact as he prepares his next sentence carefully.

" Your, um... y-your skirt. The length of it, specifically. And it has been brought to my attention that it is actually against our school dress code," He claims, then takes a deep breath, " I must ask you to follow the dress code, otherwise you could land in detention and have to wear something from the lost and found."

And Lily takes it. She sucks in her lips, withholding the long winded feminist rant about how school dress codes are sexist and arbitrary. She doesn't voice her thoughts, but rather an incantation as the principal looks away to grab a file from a drawer.

" What I well deserve is what I will get. I deserve respect, I need respect. I will get respect, so be it and so it is."

With her parting whisper, she grabs her backpack and leaves the principal's office, only to see a familiar face waiting patiently outside. The freak turns his head towards the door, and smiles once he sees who walks out of it.

" Uh oh, trouble," Eddie mocks, " What'd you do?"

" I wore a skirt," Lily responds.

Eddie dramatically gasps, placing a hand over his heart and furrowing his brows in shock.

" Oh, the horror!" He exclaims, " How could you do such a terrible thing, Miss Blackwood?"

" Maybe I'm just a terrible person," She claims, earning a short lived 'ha' from the man sat next to her.

" That," Eddie starts as he stands up from his chair, " I find hard to believe."

" And what are you here to see the principal for?" Lily asks, looking up at him as she crosses her arms.

Trouble | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now