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These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder
Which, as they kiss, consume

Lily is taken out of her daze by a paper being placed on her desk. The exact same paper she turned in yesterday, but now marked with blood red ink to convey disappointment. The teacher walks away to pass out the other papers to the other students, and soon enough the bell rings. The students pile out of the room like rats escaping the exterminator, all except Lily. She slings her backpack over her shoulder as she makes her way to the front of the room holding up her paper as she approaches the desk.

" Why the F?" She asks.

" Actually, I was about to ask you that same question," The teacher says as she pushes her large wire framed glasses up the bridge of her nose.

" It's an opinion piece on Shakespeare," Lily states.

" It's inappropriate."

" Everything in my paper is derived from his original works.

" Yes, but the subjects you wrote about are... simply not appropriate for school."

" Then why teach Shakespeare?"

" It's in the curriculum."

Lily sucks in her lips, keeping any more thoughts she has to herself, for she really does not want to push her luck.

She leaves the classroom to walk the nearly empty halls. She makes it to the front door of the school and almost makes it to the parking lot before a hand grabs her wrist and runs with her down the hallowed halls.

 She makes it to the front door of the school and almost makes it to the parking lot before a hand grabs her wrist and runs with her down the hallowed halls

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" Dustin!" Lily scolds.

" No time, let's go!" Dustin exclaims as he frantically guides her down the hall.

The freshman takes her into one of the thought to be empty rooms of the school, but its true nature is only revealed to those who are worthy. The room is dark, dim, ambient lighting replacing the fluorescent. A large, brown wooden table sits in the middle, pieces of the board game scattered across it, and sitting at the edge of the table, on his very on throne, is that of Eddie Munson, who instantly stands up once he sees who has entered the sacred grounds.

" I found Mike's replacement," Dustin pants as he holds her arm up in the air.

Her focus on Eddie falters as her brain absorbs the words that have just been spoken.

" I don't know how to play," Lily speaks.

" I can teach you," Eddie interjects as he shoves his pockets into his pants, " The more, the merrier."

" I thought you said no noobies," Gareth says, only earning a heavy 'shh' from the DM.

Eddie turns back to face Lily with a smile.

" You in?"

Lily looks over to Dustin, who's holding his hands together and silently begging, and so she has no choice but to sigh.

Trouble | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now