Harry turned to me "you for sure don't have anything on you this time right?" with a smirk

I patted my pockets Making sure I didn't. "All clear."

We went through the doors and metal detector. Nothing went off thank god.

An older woman was sat at the desk she looked up Harry she smiled getting up and hugging him.

"Ruth always good to see ya" hugging her back.

She turned to me "who this?" With a smile

"This is...Alexis." Harry spoke

Ouch I know we aren't technically dating so I guess there would be no reason to introduce me otherwise.

"Hi" I smiled

She leaned in and gave me a soft hug.

Harry spoke "I brought her here to see about helping out in the kitchen."

"That's wonderful go ahead to the kitchen I won't keep ya any longer."

We walked down the hall into the cafeteria then into the back where the kitchen was

"Marie?" Harry called out

"Right here!" juggling 3 gallons of milk.

Harry reach over and grabbed two of them placing them on the counter.

She looked over to me putting her hand out "Marie" I put my hand out "Alexis" with a smile

Harry said "Alexis wants to know if there's a spot for her here."

She smiled "of course we always need more staff." She looked over to me "do you have any experience in the kitchen.?"

"I cook at lot at home. I'm not a chef or anything  but I really enjoy it"

Harry scoffed "don't let her fool you Marie she's an amazing cook. I nearly gained like 10 pounds from her cooking alone."

Marie laughed  going around to the computer typing "when do you want to start darling?"

"I can start tomorrow"

"Perfect. Come in around 11 I'll make your schedule tonight and give it to you tomorrow."

"Thank you."

We started walking out. When Harry's name was called down the hall we turned around and saw a boy around 14

Harry smiled Tj he gave him a fist bump and they went on talking about football.

It's nice seeing Harry having such good connections with the kids.

We left the building.

Harry pulled me into a side hug saying "you got the job."

I smiled. "I'm so excited"

"So you ready to see my office?"


We drove down the road to another big building it wasn't as big as the children center but it was pretty big.

We got out walking into the building it was  sleek and really nice. We took the elevator up. Stepping out there was a desk. A lady with dark hair stood up. she was really really pretty.

"Good afternoon Mr.Styles"

Harry smiled "good afternoon." Walking me down a hall way. Pointing at two doors one had that had niall horan and the other that had Louis Tomlinson. We walked down the hall "That's zayns and there's Liam's."

We walked towards a door at the end that had Harry styles written on a plaque.

I pointed at it "fancy"

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