♡Chapter 47: Misunderstandings♡

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"Jess!" Parker yells, running to catch up to the boy in front of her. "Jess turn around!" She yells, and almost runs into him as he spins on her quickly.

His eyes are dark and his face looks angry and betrayed. "What Parker?! What could you possibly have to say to me right now?" He asks, and she chooses to stand her ground.

Standing tall, she faces him, trying to seem strong and confident. "It's not what you think." She claims, and he scoffs. "Seriously, he's just my friend, I had texted him, and so he.." she started to explain, but Jess interrupted her.

"Y'know what? I don't want to hear it." He says, and puts his hands up in surrender. "I'll grab my stuff and be gone before you know it." He starts to turn around, giving up.

But Parker grabs his arm, trying to fix this. "Jess, come on. It's not like that." She says, trying to get him to understand. "It's not like I'm dating him, you know that." She says.

"Just go on your 'double date', I don't have time for this." He says, stubborn as ever. "Everyone always leaves, Parker, I don't know how I thought you'd be any different." He says, looking heartbroken as he walks away, her hand falling off his arm. Elijah, who watched this through the window, rushes out to her.

She knows he is trying to talk to her, and comfort her, but her world sounds muffled and blurry. Tears cloud her vision, and all she feels is Elijah, practically holding her up us she slumps against him, heart shattered.

"I'm going to head out, tell her to call me later." Chris says, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as she looks forward, unfocused. Elijah nods, tucking an arm under her legs and picking her up bridal style, carrying her towards his car as they go, her face tucked in towards his neck, tears trailing down her face.


Elijah helps Parker sit on her bed, grabbing a hair tie from her side table and a hairbrush with it. "I'm gonna kill him." He mutters, angry that Jess left and guilty that he played a part in it. He sits behind Parker, gently brushing out her hair and braiding it, before tucking her into bed and turning off the lights to help her get some sleep.

After a few hours, she finally got up again, pulling herself out of bed, to get some food. She gets dressed, pulling herself together, to at least look more composed. Walking into the living room, expecting it to be empty, she sees Lucas, his head in his hands, tears streaming down his favem originally, she thought he was sad, but looking closer, she realizes the look on his face was one of anger, and hate.

She walks over to sit down next to him, placing a hand on his back, pulling him close as he falls into her, crying. "What happened?" She asked. He wipes his eyes, looking up at her as he sits back up.

"My father cut me off. I have no money." He says, and her eyes widen. "He's so mad, he took my trust fund, and spent it on a new yacht and gave the rest to Logan." He says, seeming defeated and hurt.

Parker can't believe what she was hearing, but suddenly, she got an idea. Standing up quickly, she runs out of the room, grabbing her phone. "Be right back!" She yells behind her.

Lucas sits on the couch, confused. He hears muffled voices coming from her room, sounding like a phone call. After a few minutes, she runs back out towards Lucas with a large smile on her face. "I think I just came up with something." She says, and he raises his eyebrows.

"My father has agreed to pay for your tuition." She says to him and he gasps, confused and taken aback.

After a moment of realizing what she was saying, he tries to refuse. "No. No way. I can't let him do that. He doesn't even know me." Lucas says. "What if I'm a bad doctor anyway?" He says.

Parker holds onto his shoulders, trying to calm him down. "Yes you can. He has more money than he knows what to do with, and he offered it to me. But I don't want it." She says, but Lucas starts to shake his head at her. "Don't say no. You can repay me by becoming the most amazing surgeon you can and saving people's lives okay?" She says, and finally, he nods.

"Now, what about you?" He asks her, and she tilts her head. The recent moment had caused her to forget her original reason for feeling upset. "Are you doing okay?" He asks.

She nods, speaking a bit more solemnly. "Elijah told you what happened?" She asked

Lucas nods, a bit bashfully. "Yeah. You know how our dorm works, usually if one person knows something, soon enough we all do." He says and she laughs, knowing that's true. "We need to get your mind off of it." He says, and she shakes her head as he stands up, excitedly.

"No no no, bars didn't end up well for me last time..." She protests but he rolls his eyes.

Pulling her up with him and dragging her to her room, he starts to dig through her closet. "Well then we aren't getting your mind off it, we are celebrating my unofficial emancipation!" He says, and Elijah walks in, face solemn and sad.

The other two look at him curiously, as he sits down on his bed. Once he realized they were waiting for him to talk, he spoke up. "Caitlyn broke it off with me. She says I spend too much time talking about Parker. What can I do?" He gestures to Parker. "You're my best friend! I don't think I talk about you that much!" He says, and Lucas tosses a jacket at his face, and a short dress at Parker.

Lucas grins, as the two newly single roommates look at him in confusion and annoyance. "Well. Looks like we have two people we need to cheer up tonight. Get dressed." He says, and Parker and Elijah look at eachother in exasperation before laughing at his enthusiasm.


"I don't know how I let you talk me into that." Parker says, tossing an aspirin into her mouth. She was walking to an early morning class with Elijah and Lucas, trying to rub away her headache. "I don't remember much of last night, do you?" She asks the two boys next to her.

They both groan in annoyance, wearing sunglasses, both having similar hangovers. "I don't think I could remember if I tried." Lucas says and Elijah agrees. They walk into the classroom and sit together, waiting for the class to start.

"I faintly remember doing the waltz with Parker." Elijah says, and Parker groans, embarrassed and confused. The professor walks out in front of the class, speaking loudly to get attention.

"Okay students! Today is the day you find out where you will be having your residency if you can stay in this school until then!" He announces. "Come up to the front of the class, grab the paper with your name, and see what you will be working towards for the next few years."

The students bustle, as Parker Elijah and Lucas go with them, reaching to find their papers. Once they got back to their seats, they put their pages together.

And across all three, they had one section in common.

'Place of Residency: Philadelphia Hospital, Pennsylvania.'

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