♡Chapter 17: Tutor♡

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"Hey Parker! We're going to Luke's, do you want to come?" Parker heard Rory yell from downstairs.

"Yeah just give me a minute!" She yells back, before tossing on her converse as she runs down the stairs. "Okay yeah, let's go."


They sit in the diner as Lorelai tries to narrow down the list of what movies to play for the towns movie night. She got stuck with the job of picking it after she annoyed Taylor a few too many times about him playing the same movie every time.

"If we take off 'Fletch' and 'Urban Cowboy' we still have... 75 possibilities." She says flipping through the long list of movies she has.

"How are we going to pick just one?" Rory says curiously.

"I don't know." Lorelai sounds overwhelmed as she talks, unsure of where to go from here. "Maybe we should do, like, a movie marathon weekend?"

Parker looks up from her food, confused about what she means.

"Y'know, show one movie after the other for 3 days and charge everyone a fortune, gouge them on bottled water, have those really little, disgusting bathrooms- it'd be like our own Woodstock" Lorelai starts to ramble before Taylor Doose walks in the door, and spots her.

"Ahhh, good. There you are!" He says, walking over to them. "I have something for you!"

"What?" Lorelai looks skeptical, as Taylor slams a giant binder down in front of them.

"This." He says proudly.

"Jeez." Parker says, as her entire breakfast gets jostled by the binder.

"Now when you get through this and make your decision, The number of the man you need to contact is inside on the first page." Taylor says, ignoring Parker, although giving her a bit of side eye as he continues to speak.

"What man? What is this?" Lorelai asks, lost.

"That's the list of titles that are available for you to pick from for the movie night!" He announces proudly, patting the top of his binder.

"List of titles? I'm sorry, can't we just pick our own movie?" She looks at him like he has four heads.

"You're not serious?" He says, looking offended.

"Not often, but yeah, just there I had some serious going." She responds, starting to get annoyed as Rory looks confused and Parker observes in amusement.

"My dear girl" Taylor starts, and it sounds like the beginning of a speech. "Movies are expensive, and we get fabulous deals with this particular place. They have a wide selection, and they're very friendly, and since it all goes to charity, they agreed to give us anything on that list for free."

As Lorelai starts to banter back and forth with Taylor about what movie she gets to pick, Parker looks longingly towards the stairs, before deciding that now seems to be the perfect moment to sneak away. She takes her napkin off her lap, and makes her way up the stairs.

She walks in, and leans against a door frame as Jess looks up. "Oh hey, what are you doin' here?" He asks her.

"Just thought it was a good time for a visit." She said, laughing a little. He stands up, and comes a little closer to her.

"Perfect timing" He says, "Come here."She walks a little closer and they hug. They both knew that there was something more than friends but they were both too scared to do anything about it.

"I see you have your own room now" She says with a smile.

"Oh yeah, Luke smashed a hole in the wall right above my head and voila, I now have a room." He responds, and she laughs, imagining that.

"Read anything good lately?" She mentions, once they pull apart. He gestures for her to follow him, and goes over to the couch and hands her a book before going back over to the kitchen to organize his CDs.

A few minutes later, Luke walks in the door, and goes over to Jess, not even seeing Parker on the couch. "Oh good, you're here." He says, looking at Jess weird as he watches him organize his music. He doesn't say anything for a minute, before trying to start up some sort of small talk.

"So, you file those under the band names?" He asks him, pointing to the music.

"Genre." Jess responds, not even looking up.

"Right. Genre. That makes sense" Luke says awkwardly, and Parker looks on, entertained. "Makes.... A lot of sense." At this point, Jess walks over to grab a book from under his pillow, and Luke follows, somehow still completely missing seeing the girl sitting on his couch.

"Oh what is that? Something for school?" He asks Jess as he begins to read.

"No." Jess gave a very short answer.

"Oh well shouldn't you be reading something for school?"


"I don't know, I mean, I know you like reading. And since you like reading, you might as well read something you're going to get graded on, so you can get graded on something you like, because you like reading." Luke rambles on, and Parker attempts to count how many times he says reading in one sentence.

"What are you babbling about?" Jess asks the question they were both wondering.

"I went to see your principal today."

"Huh." Jess seems absolutely uninterested.

"He says you're flunking out." Luke says, and Parkers' eyes widen. She knows he's smart, if he tried he wouldn't be flunking. "He says you're not showing up for class." Luke continues.

After pausing for a moment, Luke chooses what he says next carefully. "He says you stole their baseballs." Parker has to struggle to keep herself from laughing at that.

Jess smirks, which seems to answer Luke's unasked question.

"You stole their baseballs? Why would you do that?" He asks him in utter disbelief. "What could you possibly need 500 baseballs for?"

"Could we talk about this later?" Jess interrupts, not answering his questions.

"Why? You got a big frisbee heist going down at 6:00?" Luke asks him, making fun of the baseball thing. Luke starts talking about how Jess isn't going to become a senior if he doesn't apply himself.

"I'm not going on any sort of frisbee heist, we have a guest." He says, and plops down on the couch, and Parker tosses her arm over him as he lays across her lap.

Luke looks absolutely taken aback for a moment, and says absolutely nothing as he realizes that she's on the couch, smirking.

"Oh Parker hi" He says, before realizing what he was talking about. "No Jess, we cannot talk about this later, you are flunking out, you're going to be in 11th grade for the rest of your life."

"Fun." Jess answers.

"Jess.." Luke says, almost threateningly.

"Why don't I tutor him?" Parker asks, and they both pause for a second to think about it.

"Y'know what? That doesn't sound so awful." Luke answers, thinking about it. To him, it seemed like an opportunity to get Jess back on track. But to Jess, he only saw it as a way to hang out with Parker more.

"You're a smart kid right?" He asks her.

"I'd like to think so, would you like proof? I have straight A's on my last report card." She says, and Jess smirks at her. "I do have to sneak back downstairs right now, but I'll be back tonight."

She tosses Jess off of her lap, earning herself a glare and an 'ow' from him.

"Okay great!" Luke says, and she sneaks her way back downstairs.

Dandelion- Jess Marianoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें