♡Chapter 14: Bracebridge♡

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Parker looked out the window, watching as people around the square started making snowmen. Overnight, it had snowed, and Parker loved just watching it come down.

She had always loved snow, and she had always had some weird gift to know when it was going to come. She wasn't sure why or how she got that gift but she loved it.

Jess walked over to her from his mattress. "What are you looking at?" He asked her.

"I'm watching people make really funny looking snowmen in the square." She smiles, and then continues. "But there's this one dude who's legitimately power buffing his snowman right now"

"That doesn't seem fair" Jess laughs, coming to look out the window with her. He sits next to her on the couch, and looks out too.

"That one looks like it's having a stroke, who made that one?" He asks her.

"Well I saw Lorelai and Rory make it earlier so I'd suppose it's theirs" She laughs, realizing that he's right, and the mouth makes it look like it's having a stroke.

They sit together and watch them make snowmen for a while, making fun of them every now and then.


Jess was sitting on the couch with Parker laying across his lap when Luke bursts in the door.

"We're going to a dinner" He announces.

"A dinner?" Parker asks him, confused.

"At the inn, some of their guests got snowed in before they could get to the inn, and there was a big dinner planned. So instead they are inviting friends, and we're going."

"Are you talking about that big bracebridge dinner that the entire town was buzzing about for a while?" Jess asks, rolling his eyes.

"Yep, and you're going." Luke retorts.

"Nope!" Jess says, hopping up from the couch and heading for the door.

"Yes, it is not negotiable!" Luke follows him.

"Not going!"

"Yes you are!"

"Not happening"

"Not up to you!"

Parker listens to them go back and forth with this until she hears Jess leave for school. She follows soon after, but as she gets close to the school yard, She sees Jess, in the middle of a fight with Chuck Presby. Then, from behind them, Dean walks up, trying to split it up, and Jess turns on him.

Jess doesn't see Parker as he stands there fuming. Dean's yelling at him. "Why would you even fight him?!" He asked.

"Felt like it." He says, and Dean rolls his eyes.

"Even you are not that stupid." Dean says. "So why did you fight the kid?"

"All right fine, he was saying shit about Parker all right?! He kept saying shit about how he had been dared to see how easy she would be!" He yells back.

"Oh fuck no." Dean says. "Where'd he go? I'll hit him."

"I already did, he ran off." Jess says.

Now both of them just stand there fuming, but have seemed to come to a sort of truce over this.


Jess stands against the couch defiantly in the inn, waiting as Luke and Parker check them into their rooms. Parker leaves Luke talking to Lorelai and comes to sit across from the couch on a separate chair, watching more snow fall. Jess looks over, thinking how pretty and elegant she looks in the dress she picked.

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