♡Chapter 5: Gazebo♡

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Jess is still looking around as Lorelei walks back into the kitchen, grabs some bread and starts to leave again. "I'm gonna grab a soda" he says.

"Sounds good, food's in the living room when you want it." She replies.

"Great." He says, before waiting until she is out of the room to grab a beer and go to the back porch.

He had been struggling for a moment to get the top of the beer off when he heard the door open behind him, and looks back to see Lorelai coming out.

"Ohhhhh for me? Hey thanks!" Lorelai says as he finally gets the top off. She takes the beer from his hands and takes a sip. "Refreshing." She laughs as he looks down in annoyance.

"So, what? You're not hungry?" She asks him.

"Not really"

"Well, Sookie made you some grilled cheese, if you don't like pot roast" She says in an attempt to convince him to come back inside.

"Oh well if I'd have known that" He replied sarcastically. Lorelai awkwardly laughs a little at that, before deciding what to say next.

"Let me guess, you don't want to be here." She says, with her hands on her hips.

"Doesn't matter" He replies in a monotone voice.

"I mean here, in Stars Hollow." She clarifies.

"Gee Mrs.Gilmore, why would anyone not wanna be here in Stars Hollow? That just sounds plum crazy" he responds sarcastically.

"Mmm Jess.. let me give you a little advice. The whole my parents don't get me thing, I've been there"

"Oh you have, huh?" He says, not really listening.

"Yes. I have. I've also done the chip on my shoulder but. Ooo! And the surly sarcastic 'the world can bite my ass' bit and let me tell you I mastered them all. In heels yet." She says as he rolls his eyes

"And everything you're feeling might be totally justified, maybe you are getting screwed, but Luke is a great guy. He's very special, and he really wants to take care of you, and make things right for you." Jess doesn't look at her as she rambles on.

She continues, "You're incredibly lucky to have him. If you give the situation half a chance you might be surprised how good it can be, how much you like living here, and how comfortable it feels to have someone like Luke you can really depend on."

"What are you sleeping with him or something?" He asked, annoyed with being given a speech. Lorelai looks taken aback.

"Excuse me?" She asks, shocked by his question.

"I don't know, the whole starry eyed 'you're so much better off, just give it a chance' speech. You're either really naive or you're getting some." Jess is starting to get mad now at the woman assuming to know everything about him.

"There've been very few moments in my life where I've actually wished I had one of those enormous cream pies you can just smash in someone's face, but this is definitely one of them." She says under her breath.

"Well now, that's not very neighborly." He says to make fun of her speech.

"Hey you know what? This is my house, and I choose how I get talked to in it, haha" She replies, angry now.

"You know, you don't know anything about me or my life or my mom or Luke, or Parker either! You think I want to take advice from someone who left their kid? You aren't any better than my mom, so why don't you 'Dr. Laura' someone else." At that, he walks off the porch and leaves.


Jess was walking back to Luke's diner, keeping an eye out to see if he could find Parker anywhere. He wanted to check on her, because he knew what it was like to deal with mothers that didn't want you.

He's almost to Luke's diner as he looks through the center of town and sees her. She looks beautiful, sitting in the middle of the gazebo with a beer next to her and a book open in her lap.

He starts walking over, and she looks up as she hears his footsteps on the steps to the gazebo. She gives him a small smile as he walks over, and hands him the other beer, still cold.

"I got you one" She said, "I knew you probably wouldn't want to be there for very long, thought you would have snuck out earlier though" She laughs a little with that, and he smirks at her

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"I got you one" She said, "I knew you probably wouldn't want to be there for very long, thought you would have snuck out earlier though" She laughs a little with that, and he smirks at her.

"Thanks." He looks down, looking like he wants to say something but isn't sure if he should.

"What is it?" She asked him, tilting her head.

"You didn't seem very happy to see your mother, so why did you come to Stars Hollow? If it wasn't to see her?" He finally asks, curious.

"I didn't know this was where she was. I..." She's not sure how much she wants to tell him, if she wants to tell him about her foster father or just make something up. But something inside of her feels as though she can. "I was running from my foster father, He was a deadbeat drunk, and I was a good punching bag"

He looks sad, and even a little bit mad about it, as though he wanted to punch her foster father for doing that. "I'm so sorry"

"It's all right. Anyways, I saw you sneak a book from Rory's room, what'd you get?" She watches as he pulls the book from his back pocket. She reads the cover. "Howl and other poems?" They talk about the book for a while and then end up reading their books next to each other and drinking the beers.

After a little while of sitting next to each other, the beers are done, so Parker decides to get up and throw them out. When she gets back and sits down, she accidentally overlaps their hands, causing her to look up at him.

After a moment that feels like forever, she moves it, clearing her throat and sitting down. He pulls out a pack of cigarettes, and goes to offer her one before he looks back at it.

"Oh damn I only have one left" he says, before getting ready to go put it back in his pocket. But Parker stops him.

"Wait wait wait, one works just as well" she says, pulling the pack from his pocket and taking out the cigarette. He puts it in his mouth, and goes to search for his lighter, but she pulls her lighter from her pocket faster, and lights it for him.

They sit back in a comfortable silence, shoulders and sides touching as they share the cigarette.

They both have soft smiles on their faces, even though they don't notice. At some point, she starts to fall asleep on his shoulder, and he decides to leave her be, comfortable with being close to her.

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