♡Chapter 44: Drunken Haze♡

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"Woah woah woah, steady." Alexei says, holding on to Parker's shoulders to help her from tripping over her own feet. "I got her, man." He says, looking at Elijah.

Elijah hesitates, not wanting to leave Parker with a guy he doesn't know, but when she nods at him, letting him know it was okay to go, Elijah walks back over to Lucas and Caitlyn.

"Sorry, I've had a bit to drink." She says, and he nods. "I mean, my fake id isn't even that good, I don't know how many of them believe it at this point." She laughs at herself, and Alex has a smirk on his face, that she is not sure what to think of.

"Well would you like to dance?" He asks her, and bows as though this was an old movie. But in her tipsy state, she found it very charming, and was surprised when a giggle came out of her mouth. She curtsied back at him, and put her hand in his when he offered it.

Even though the music playing was upbeat, he nodded to the DJ by the front, who he seemed to know, and the music changed to a slower and more intimate song. She raised her eyebrows at him, and he shrugs innocently.

Over the night, she drinks more than she was aware of, as they get passed to her. He refused to let her pay, insisting that she should just relax, and she wasn't one to turn down free drinks.

They continued to dance on and off, and she spent the night laughing and happily playing along with him as he laughed with her.


Parker wakes up, looking around her at the unfamiliar room, confused. She sees strange walls, and the wall in front of her seemed to be a large wall of windows, opening over a town she actually did recognize.

It was a town just outside of Harvard campus, and she was laying in the bed of a strange apartment. But looking around, she doesn't see anyone in the room with her. Looking down, she realizes she is wearing a white dress shirt, that did not belong to her.

Underneath, she has her underwear on, but it was still a bit nerve wracking. She racked her brain, trying to remember anything about last night, but she came up blank. Everything after dancing with Alexei was gone.

Walking out of the bedroom, she hugged the dress shirt closer into herself, shivering from the absence of the blankets around her and wishing she could crawl back into the bed and sleep.

But walking into the kitchen, she sees Alexei,
standing by the stove, and she hears the slight sizzle of bacon on the stove. Hearing her walk in, he glances up with a smile. "Oh goodmorning!" He says and she immediately wonders how anyone could be so cheerful in the mornings. "I'm just making breakfast." He says, and she takes a seat at one of the barstools across the counter.

After a moment, he turns around, placing a coffee in front of her, and she smiles gratefully at him. "So- uh..." She says, trying to start a conversation and get some answers. "Did we..." She trails off.

Alex laughs as he flips the bacon, waving her worry away with his hand. "Nah we didn't, for one, I like someone else," he says, and he can physically see Parker relax. "And also, you got quite drunk, and your favorite topic was dreamily talking about a guy named Jess." He says.

Parker feels her face heat up as she blushes, and her head falls into her arms on the counter. "Oh God I'm sorry." She says, feeling mortified. "Wait then why am I in your shirt?" She asks him and he nods, scooping the food onto two plates.

"Well you didn't keep the alcohol down when we got here, so I just figured you wouldn't want to stay in those clothes." He explains and she nods. "Oh and Elijah wanted me to tell you that your bike is safe. He tried to take you home but you insisted on coming with me."

Parker groans, hating the way she acted when she was drunk. But after the events of Christmas weekend, she was emotional. Alexei places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her, and she smiles at him. "Thank you."

"No problem." He says befor handing her a pill bottle. When she looks at him, confused, he explains. "For the hangover I'm sure is going to hit you any minute now." He says, and she nods. He sits next to her, starting to eat as well.

"So what did I tell you about him?" She asks, curious. But she elaborates when Alex look as her curiously. "Jess. You said I talked about him." She says.

Alex takes a moment to think back before speaking. "Well you spent an hour or two explaining how he's the love of your life and you should have gone somewhere with him." He says, and her face seems to fall a bit. "Sorry I didn't mean to upset you." He adds.

"No don't worry, did I say anything else?" She asks, not wanting to miss something important.

He hesitates, causing Parker to look up at him, urging him to continue. "Well... You called him." He says. "Around midnight, you called him. I'm not sure what you said exactly, but you gave him my address I think." He says.

Parker's eyes widen, and they both look at eachother as they hear a knock at the door. That had to be coincidental timing, right? "Well? Open it, it's probably lover boy himself." Alex urges and she gets up, walking to the door.

As it swings open, if reveals Jess, in a leather jacket and wet hair, and a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks hurriedly. "Are you hurt? What is this place? What happened?" He rambles on, worried.

But his words are soon cut off by Parker, rushing towards him and kissing him, throwing her arms around his neck. Alex smiles at the sight, and takes his plate into the bedroom to give them some privacy.

After a kiss that felt like forever, Parker pulls him inside and shut the door. They sit next to each other on the couch, and she curls into his side. "I'm so sorry." Jess says, and Parker sits up, about to argue, confused at what he's apologizing for. "Let me explain. I'm sorry I ever tried to stop you from Harvard and your dream. You made the right choice."

"I think I'd make the other choice if you ever asked again." She explains and he laughs. "Would you like to go get coffee?" She asks him and he nods. Standing up, she was glad he didn't seem to pay much mind to the shirt and how it definitely didn't belong to her as she goes to grab pants from Alex.

When she walks into the bedroom, Alex smiles, handing her her old jeans. "I totally wasn't eavesdropping." He says and she laughs. "But if you don't end up marrying him, I will." He jokes. She smiles, elbowing him, and grabbing her purse from the nightstand.

Walking back out, she and Jess leave, catching a bus to the nearby diner, Callie's. They sit and talk for hours and hours, never wanting to leave eachothers side.



hey guys!! If you want behind the scenes information, and info about when updates are coming, or have any questions, you can follow my insta dedicated to writing!! I'm going to use it for this fanfic, and any other writings/books that I do later!

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