♡Chapter 6: Metallica♡

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Jess looked up from his book as he saw Luke approaching the gazebo, looking mad. He shook his elbow a bit, so that Parker wouldn't get startled by Luke.

"Whaa?" Parker said, groggy and waking up. Luke stormed up the steps and grabbed the cigarette from Jess. He put it out before talking.

"Come on, we're going." He said gruffly.

"Going where?" Jess asked.

"Home." Luke says back. At this point Parker has woken up a little, and she gets up to brush off her pants. She grabs her jacket and places it down on the bench, sitting down, ready to sleep when they leave.

"What about Parker?" Jess asked, and Parker looks up suddenly, surprised. "We can't just leave her out here" he continues.

"No no I'll be fine, don't worry about me" she says. "I wouldn't want to be a burden." Jess turns to her, putting the book back in his pocket.

"No way, I'm not leaving you here." Jess turns back at Luke. "I won't come home unless we bring her with us." Luke seems to debate it for a second before giving in.

"Fine. Come on, both of you. Let's go." He walks away from the gazebo, with the other two following as well. They walk into Luke's diner, and nobody says a word as they walk up to the apartment.

Once they walk in, Parker takes a second to look around, seeing what looked like a bachelors pad. Luke walks over to a closet and grabbed a few sheets and placed them on the couch, smoothing them out. He then grabbed a pillow and put it there as well.

"You can sleep there" Luke says to her, pointing at it. " Let me know if you need anything, also your work starts at 6 tomorrow morning until school starts, and after school at 4 as well."

"Okay, thank you..." Parker says, sitting down on the couch. Luke walks over to his bed and Jess sits on the blowup mattress. Luke walks back downstairs to the diner, and left them alone upstairs, grumbling about being prepared as he went.


The next morning, Parker woke up when Luke did, because she was a light sleeper, so the noise he was making shook her out of her rest.Luke looked over at her as he realized she was up. "Good morning." He says, "The shower is yours if you need it, if not you can just hang out for a bit before we open the diner."

"Okay thank you" Parker answered, walking towards the bathroom. "Uhm... Where are your towels?" She asks, looking around.

"Oh right! Right here," he says, grabbing two from the closet next to the bed. "You can just hang them on the rack near the shower when you're done"

"Thanks" she answered. She hesitated to go into the bathroom as she turned back around. "Thank you for letting me spend the night." She said. Luke turned around, and nodded at her.

"Of course! And please, stay as long as you need." He smiled before awkwardly walking over and straightening out his bed. Parker walked over and went into the shower to get ready for the day, before going downstairs.

Luke was on the phone when she went downstairs, dressed for the day in a Metallica T-shirt Luke had set out for her.

Luke was on the phone when she went downstairs, dressed for the day in a Metallica T-shirt Luke had set out for her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

She stood off to the side behind the counter waiting for his phone call to finish. Once he hung up, he turned around, and handed her an apron, notepad and pencil.

"Here is your uniform, and also I just enrolled you in school, you can start this morning." He then turns to the man in the kitchen. "This is Caesar. Caesar, Parker, Parker, Caesar."

"Hi it's nice to meet you." Caesar says, before ducking back into the kitchen. Luke looks back at her and sees the shirt.

"Interesting shirt" he says, squinting at it little.

"Yeah, thanks for setting it out for me by the way" Parker says back, smiling at him. He looks confused.

"What? I didn't set it out." He stops to think for a moment, and then seems to come to a conclusion. "Must have been Jess." He says nonchalantly, and her eyes widen at the slip up she made. She pulls the shirt up to her nose. Yeah it was definitely Jess's shirt.

"Ok now put in your apron and I'll show you around." He says to her. She ties the apron around her waist and gets to work.


Luke was impressed, she picked everything up very quickly and was a great helper. But for the last 10 minutes Parker had been watching something outside. He walks over to her, confused.

"What are you looking at?" He asks her as he walks up behind her. She jumps suddenly, and he steps back, apologetic.

"I've been watching Lorelai and Rory debate coming in here for the last 10 minutes" she says. Luke looks out the door to see Rory and her mother arguing as Rory gestures her to go inside. Eventually, Parker and Luke see Rory start to come in.

At this, Luke starts nonchalantly wiping a table as Parker darts for the back room.

"Oh hi Parker!" Rory tried to say as she saw her.

"Hey!" Parker yells as she closes the back room behind her, trying not to be rude. She stayed in there for the next few minutes, until she felt as though Rory was probably gone. Luke looked up at her as she emerged from the closet, and then looked at the clock.

"Hey it's about time to leave for school, go check on Jess for me?" He asks her and she nods and goes upstairs. She walks into the apartment to see Jess sitting on the couch with a book in hand. He looks up to see her and smirks.

"Nice shirt" he said before looking down at his book. He smiled to himself, a bit flustered, because he knew it was his shirt. Without looking up, he added to it. "Looks good on you."

She blushed a bit as she untied the apron and put it on the couch. "Thanks.." there was a small pause before she remembered what she was there for. "We gotta go to school now, I was sent to grab you"

"Okay." He gets up and puts his book into his back pocket. He walks downstairs with her and as they walk out the door, Jess sees Lorelai walking down the street their way. Not wanting Parker to get upset, he tosses an arm around her shoulders and makes a button disappear between his fingers as they make it to the school entrance.

They walk in together laughing as the kids look at them warily.

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