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"Because I'm smarter than you," he winked at her. "They need me." He added.

"Where are they controlling it from?" She asked.

"Why would I tell you that? It's not like you're gonna shoot me," he smirked. Is it underestimate Celia day or something?

"Why the hell do you guys keep saying that?" She asked, pointing her gun at his arm, shooting him. He groaned, falling to the floor.

"You bitch," he muttered through gritted teeth.

"Where are they controlling it from?" She demanded.

He looked up at her, having an inner battle with himself. "Fine," he hissed. Celia helped him up as the others came around the corner.

"Was it really necessary to shoot him?" Marcus asked. Celia glanced at him, not being able to hold her tongue.

"Was it necessary to beat your son?" She quizzed. His eyes widened as she said it and everyone looked at him. "No? Didn't think so. Keep your damn mouth shut," she scoffed. "Every minute we waste, another innocent dies and another dauntless becomes a murderer," and another minute Four is captured. She scolded them. "Peter, let's go." She nodded to Peter. He started walking and they went up a flight of stairs. They stopped once they reached a hallway, hiding behind the wall, she looked toward Peter. "That's it, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he said, nodding.

"I've seen Eric, Jeanine, and her guards go in there. That's where they're controlling it from," she informed while Tris' dad, Andrew, peered into the hall. He came back and grabbed Tris' gun from her.

"Like she said, there isn't a second to waste," he whispered to her. She smiled and looked down, while she did that, he went into the hallway.

"Dad, no!" She whisper-shouted at him. He held so much confidence while shooting the guards. Tris ran out into the hallway to help him, everyone else followed, even Peter, though he didn't have a weapon. Celia laid back, making sure no one was following them. When she turned around, the first thing she noticed was that Andrew was on the floor.

"Tris," the girl turned to her friend, noticing her stare, she glanced at what Celia was looking at. There lay her father, dead, and her brother right next to him. She ran over to them, tears in her eyes. She dropped down next to them, crying. Celia wondered where Tris's mother was. They stood there for a while, but Celia remembered the task at hand. She turned toward Peter, Kai, and Marcus, "Watch them for me, I'm going in there." Everyone looked at her in concern, even Peter. He knew she was operating on desperation.

She turned to walk away, knowing this could be a suicide mission. She entered through the door, holding her gun like an FBI agent. She found a lot of chords on the ground, leading her to where she needed to go. She got to the end of the hall, where the next room began. The room was pure white, with electronics everywhere. She peered around the corner, seeing through the tablets they had set up, abnegation people being killed. She leaned back, reality hitting her hard. She glanced to the other side of the room she was in, and once she did, her eyes widened.


He was sitting in a chair, hooked up to machines. His face displayed no emotion and he had a rigid posture. She made sure no one was looking, before silently running over to where he was. The screen above him showed her, and she looked like a mess. She couldn't worry about that right now. "Hey, hi," she grabbed her knife and started to cut the restraints on his wrist. But, once she did, he grabbed her wrist, making her drop her gun and throw her knife. Then, he proceeded to push her into the cabinet behind her. She looked at him cautiously. "Four, Four it's me," she put her hands out in front of her. "You're in a sim."

STORM--》FOUR | DIVERGENTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ