The Dark Reunion's Plan to Sort Man-Kind and Take Over Human Civilization...

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    What a beautiful day today! Why is this day beautiful you ask? Well, every day is beautiful for the most perfect pretty girl.

I'm simply here to spread some cheer and bring joy to all the downhearted masses at school.

Teruhashi continued to think great things about herself as she approached her classroom. She slides open the door with a heartfelt, "Good morning!"

"Oh wow! Good morning Teruhashi!" Kaido perks up wide-eyed and flustered.

"O-Oh hell! Wh-What's up Teruhashi!" Kuboyasu stammered trying to keep his punk act and being polite at the same time.

"Oh wow! Hey Teruhashi!" Nendo said being just as stupid as always.

"Good morning Kaido, Kuboyasu, Nendo. How's it going?"

The three boys' smiled and chatted with Teruhashi for a few minutes. Finally Teruhashi asked, "How is Saiki doing? Where is he?" That's when their smiles began to fade into small frowns.

Teruhashi could tell something was wrong. "What's the matter? Was it something I said?" She asked, baiting the answer out of them using guilt.

"O-Oh no! I-It's not you at all, Teruhashi! It's" Kaido was the first to take the bait but he hesitated.

"U-Um, we'll you see...what's happening" Kuboyasu tries but ends up shying away as much as Kaido.

Teruhashi was confused and slowly getting frustrated at the lack of information from the others. But the perfect pretty girl knew to be patient.

Maybe drilling into the three boys more will force them to finally open u-

"We think my buddy might be gay!" Nendo stated boldly and shamelessly.

The whole class froze and stopped their side conversations. They turned their heads toward the four idiots who froze in terror.

"You idiot! Not so loud!" Kaido whisper yelled smacking Nendo on the shoulder.

"Dunbass, are you trying to draw unwanted attention? This is a serious topic!" Kuboyasu drilled, barely holding it together.

"Whaaaaaat? What's the big deal? It's not like there's anything wrong with it. Right, Hairo?" Nendo turned his head to the red-haired man doing situps in the corner of the class.

He paused his exercises to look at them and after processing what he said he flashed him a smile and a thumbs up then continued to radiate fire with speedy situps.

"Yeah, see? Hairo agrees with me. Now, what about the two of you, huh?" Nendo places his hands both their heads and a leans down with a terrifying evil grin.

Kaido and Kuboyasu look at Nendo, look at each other, back to Nendo, then back to each other again. Slowly, red formed on their faces and they quickly turned their heads away from each other.

Nendo chuckled leaned back up. "If a buddy has a crush on someone then I supportw his relationship no matter what!" He excitedly proclaimed.

"Nendo is right. We should support Saiki no matter what! We're his friends after all! It's our job to do so!" Teruhashi chimed in.

All four of them looked at each other in silent agreement. A single consecutive thought appeared in their heads all at once...

Saiki is happier with Satou than anyone else it seemed..

Yare yare.

I slide open the classroom door and the four students, upon noticing me, turn their heads, smile, and call me over.

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