Un-Ordinary Breakfast

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"Ok everyone, listen up! Yesterday Toritsuka informed me that our bus back home will arrive here in about an hour." Yumehara stated gaining everyone's attention.

"So, let's stay here for a while, get some breakfast, then when the bus arrives we will hop on and head back home. everyone got it?"

Everyone agreed, nodding their heads or putting a thumbs up.

"Alright then, now, how bout we get some food-" Yumehara was cut off.

"Wait, has anyone seen Toritsuka!?" Hii asked looking around.

Everyone stared at each other in confusion all wondering the same thing,

"I don't remember even seeing him today or last night after Saiki and Satou found Hii." Kuboyasu stated.

"Yeah, I think the last place I saw him was when he burst into mine and Aren's room informing us that Hii went missing." Kaido declared.

"Oh but I remember what happened after that," Satou began. " Me, Saiki, and Toritsuka all went looking for Hii after Kaido and Kuboyasu ran off. But when we got to the forest, Toritsuka decides to split off from us and go looking for Hii by himself. He said the ghosts were his eyes and they would lead him directly to her. But that's the last we saw of him after he ran off."

The others paused as they tried to process the idiocy of Toritsuka's immensely stupid idea. Running into a forest alone with nothing but ghosts to lead you. What a moron. But the others tried to imagine where that Moron would be at this time, lost in the forest, dead, or somewhere else no one would know to look.

Unfortunately, I know exactly where he is.



"AAAAH- SAIKI!" Toritsuka jumped a mile. I teleported into the forest where Toritsuka was wandering around aimlessly, far from the hotel, covered in dirt and scratches and lost like an idiot.

Toritsuka started crying, "SAIIIIKIIIIII! I'm so happy to see you!" He cheered and leaped towards me smiling wide, attempting to give me a hug. Nope.


I teleported behind him avoiding his assault attack as he fell to the ground with a thud. He was covered in more dirt than before. Gross, but I came here for a reason so...

I walked over to Toritsuka and picked him up by the back collar of his shirt. I lifted him up to his feet and dropped him. He stood up on his own and tried to dust the dirt off oh himself but it wasn't helping.

He turned to me, "So, Saiki, did you come out here to save me because you were worried about me?" Toritsuka asked giddily as he looked up and fluttered his eyelids like a young schoolgirl to her crush. Gross.

"Toritsuka, I need your help."

He perked up at the sound of the help sentence. Those words were rare for him to hear. Yare yare, I know exactly what he's thinking. I knew this would happen. Yare yare."

"You need...my help? Saiki Kusuo needs...MY help? Man, you sure are in a desperate situation if you need help from someone like me, hmm."

Yare yare, he isn't making my life easier. I should just kill him and leave his body in these woods, no one would care to look for him. I wish I didn't need this idiot's help but...

"Yes, I am, now will you help me?" Yare yare, I feel like I just stooped down to a level so low that I no longer qualify as a psychic.

"Hmm, I don't know. I guess it just depends on how big this job is!"

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