Chapter Twenty Six

Beginne am Anfang

Deciding on going back to bed, I figure that I should sleep off the misery this day has caused me. Although as I drift off, all I can think is about what else my mother has lied about.

When the bed dips beside me and a heavy arm drapes across my waist, I turn over to face the culprit. Those blue eyes burn into mine with a sweetness one could only find once in a lifetime.

"What happened?" he asks and I shake my head, wrapping my arms around him in what I am sure is a suffocating hug.

"My mother... she told me the story. Turns out the man I've called father for the past eighteen years of my life isn't who he claims to be. Of course, I'll still see him as my father because that's all I've ever known him as but... my real father is here on the island. When my mother came here with her best friend she got pregnant, that's why she's so against us," I breathe, the whole thing still feeling like something out of fantasy land.

"How are you feeling?" he asks and I'm glad he didn't comment on the situation or I'm sure I would have lost it completely.

"I don't know... confused? Betrayed? My entire life is a lie. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel," I huff and Nico smooths my hair, calming me.

"It's okay to not know how you feel. You are handling it much better than most," Nico says and I instantly feel that much lighter. His words are filled with such light that its only option is to chase out the darkness.

Holding onto Nico even tighter, I feel eternal gratitude for him. Even if our time together does become a distant memory, I'll always remember how this man didn't take a second glance before comforting me. How he made me feel seen and how he made me feel true love.

"I feel like there's more to the story though, that there is something else she's hiding - I'm just not sure what," I explain and Nico twirls a piece of my hair between his fingertips.

"Maybe it's best if you process this first before looking for more answers. Especially when there's the possibility you may not like what you find," Nico says, his voice soft and comforting.

Nodding, I nestle into his embrace and let the world fall beneath my feet. I let his arms cocoon me from the hurt and the pain.

Soon after waking up, I notice the empty space beside me and the lack of warmth that once touched my skin. Frowning, I realise Nico's no longer here. He left.

Pots and pans clang downstairs and I furrow my brows. Running a hand through my hair, I get out of bed and expect a commotion in the kitchen. The stairs creek as I walk down them, the brightness of the house irritating my eyes.

As I walk into the kitchen, I squint my eyes, the lights scorching my pupils. "Good evening, sleepy," his voice speaks and my heart swarms with all kinds of feelings.

Finally adjusting to the room, I give him a sweet smile before trailing towards him - sleep fueling my movements.

Eyeing up the counters, I see chopped vegetables and an array of meat and pasta. "What are you doing? Where is everyone?" I ask. Nico opens his arms wide and I step into his embrace.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rest my head against his chest. Nico's hand moves to my back, rubbing up and down in a soothing motion. "Seeing as you've had a rough day, I thought I'd make you dinner. I managed to convince everyone to go out for food and they happily obliged."

Pulling back, I throw him a glowing smile. "You're too kind," I say, meaning it with my entire heart. How could someone be so... full of light.

Nico brings his hands to my hips before placing me on the edge of the counter. "You're only allowed to watch this time," he says before pointing the wooden spoon at me.

Holding my hands up in innocence, I stay seated. "Yes, sir," I say and immediately cringe. Nico looks back at me, a growing smirk on his beautiful lips and I have to focus on anything but him. I did not say that.

Well, my blushed cheeks say otherwise.

"How are you feeling?" Nico asks, obviously treading lightly. I appreciate his concern but I don't need people walking on eggshells around me. Yes, it was an entirely shitty experience all around and it'll take me more than a while to process but, just for the moment, I want to forget about it. I want to be in the kitchen and watch the man I love cook dinner for me.

Love. It is such a strange notion. People like to put a timeline on it. Saying that love can only develop over time, that love at first sight isn't real. People also like to say that you can't love a certain person... that's there's a "normal" in love. But, the truth is... love can appear in a heartbeat. There's no set characteristics - love comes in all different shapes and sizes and timeframes. When people realise that, it can be a truly beautiful thing.

"I'm fine," I nod and Nico furrows his brows, not believing me. "Seriously," I nod my head, making it much more convincing.

"Okay," Nico says, not sounding one bit convinced but allowing me to not want to talk just yet. "I hope you're hungry... I grabbed whatever was in the cupboards. It's a meaty pasta dish with a side of vegetables," he explains as he dropped some chopped tomatoes into the pan.

The smell is beyond decadent and my stomach rumbles, telling us just how hungry I am. "I'm starving," I say. The events of the last twenty-four hours have given me whiplash causing me to forget to supply my body with food.

Nico's hand halts and he faces me. "You can't forget to eat, amore mio. For that, you will be getting an even bigger portion," Nico says with the utmost certainty.

Giving him a small laugh, I realise that I'm not ready for him to leave after dinner. "Can you stay tonight? As long as you don't have work or anything tomorrow," I say and he smiles before returning to the pan, stirring the pasta in with the melted cheese.

"Of course, I won't leave. I do have to help out with the opening of the restaurant so I'll have to leave early but that's fine," Nico says and I feel bad. "I sleep much better with you, anyway."

I experience the exact same. Sleeping without him, I wake up drowsy and it takes me a while to even think about getting up. But with him, I wake up refreshed... as though I can take on the endless missions of the day.

When dinner is served, I sit opposite Nico and run a hand through my hair. I can't count how many times I have repeated that anxious movement the past few hours. Taking a bite, I close my eyes and drown in the warmth of the food. "It's really good," I say.

My phone buzzes beside me, Calli's name flashing on the screen and I huff. I love her but I cannot for the life of me repeat the situation to yet another person. "What's wrong?" Nico asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing, it's Calli. I just can't talk about it again... not yet," I say, running my hand through my hair, yet again. Nico gives me a comforting smile.

Holding out his hand he says, "Come here." Obliging, I take his hand and he pulls me onto his lap before grazing my bowl of pasta against the table and towards us. "I can't see you like this and not hold you," he whispers, kissing my shoulder.

Nico's arm remains around my waist as he eats with his free hand. Bringing the bowl to me, I continue to eat and relish in the feeling of Nico pressed against me. When I eventually grow full, I tuck my legs to my chest and rest my head against the crook of Nico's neck.

"Thank you, honestly," I say and Nico brings his other arm around me. The second week was almost over and time had flown. Time was slipping through my fingers and there wasn't a single thing I could do to stop it. Just when I thought my body was as dry as the sahara desert, my eyes fill with tears - my chest already in pain. I'm not ready for it to be over.

I haven't a clue how I am going to leave this island, leave Nico.

"Why are you crying?" Nico says, almost in disbelief. I'm a soppy mess and I'm embarrassing myself at this point. Shaking my head, I stand up and trail towards the bathroom. I need to calm down and get a grip.

Closing the door behind me, I splash water onto my face, hoping it works like it does in the movies but to no avail. Drying my face, I take deep breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Repeat.

What was supposed to be a sweet family holiday has turned into a shitshow... to say the least.

It Began In Italy | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt