Chapter 15: The final battle!

Start from the beginning

Upon hearing this, both Ash and Serena blushed, and Professor Oak just laughed. Then, his face turned serious as he asked Ash, "Well, with that aside. I feel you have another purpose for this call, Ash?"

Ash straightened up, and answered, "Oh yes, I do. Now that I have made it to the finals, my opponent is said to be virtually unbeatable. So, I think I need to bring my A-game. Is it possible to gather my ace pokemon from every region temporarily for this battle?" He then winked at Professor Oak at the end.

Professor Oak chuckled and walked to the backyard where all of Ash's pokemon were located. After a few seconds, he returned with some pokeballs in his hands. "Well, here you go Ash. Do your best in the finals, I believe in you." Once Ash received the pokeballs, he raised his fists and replied, "I sure will, Professor! You can count on me!" Finally, Ash ended the call, and turned to face his friends.

Bonnie was getting more curious by the second. Once she couldn't hold it in, she exclaimed, "What pokemon did you get Ash? Show me, show me!" Ash giggles at Bonnie's enthusiasm. He smirked and replied, "Well, you're gonna have to wait until the battle to see who they are." Bonnie pouted as a result, much to everyone's amusement.

Finally, the gang started walking to the doors to the battle arena, the site of Ash's final battle. He thought, "I can do this, I know I can!"


Finally, it was time for the event that everyone had been looking forward to. The Kalos League Finals. The entire stadium was packed with supporters, waiting anxiously for the battle to begin. Everyone knew how strong both trainers were, and they expected a thrilling battle ahead. Once everyone was seated, the announcer said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're all excited, because it's time for the Kalos League Finals. After what was said to be the hardest Kalos League so far, we are now down to two trainers. We've all seen their massive strength as they progressed through the rounds, so expect a great battle ahead! Now, let us welcome the challengers!' The doors of the tunnels opened.

"Our first challenger comes all the way from Pallet Town, and he's here to show his strength and conquer the league. Please welcome... Ash Ketchum!" Ash walked out of the tunnel, PIkachu sitting on his shoulder. That all-too-familiar confident smile was plastered on his face, as he waved at the audience. Loud cheers could be heard, the loudest coming from all of Ash's friends.

"Next, our second challenger has amazed us with his immense strength, and nothing could stand in his way during the course of this competition. But will he hold up against Ash? We're about to find out! Right from the heart of Lumiose City, please give it up for Alain!" More cheers erupted from the audience. Alain walked out of his tunnel, that same serious expression still on his face. Based on his performance in the league, Alain had been the clear favourite to win the whole thing.

Once both trainers were ready, the referee announced the rules, "This will be a full 6-on-6 battle between Ash and Alain. Substitutions can be made freely throughout the match. The battle ends when all pokemon from either side have been knocked out. Is that understood?" Ash and Alain nodded towards the referee.

"All right then! Trainers, bring out your pokemon!"

Ash looked over at the mouse pokemon on his shoulder. "This is the last one. You ready buddy?" PIkachu answered by giving a confident cry. Ash then extended his hand out in front while shouting, "Pikachu, I choose you!" Pikachu then jumped down onto the battlefield, releasing sparks from his cheeks.

"Go, Tyranitar!" A large, bipedal, dinosaurian pokemon with a green armour-like hide covering its body appeared on Alain's side. He gave off a huge roar as he stared Pikachu down.

The referee confirmed that everything was in place, and finally announced.

"Battle begin!"


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