familiar and yours

Começar do início

Days and weeks and excuses later, she never found the right opportunity, or adequate amount of courage, to make her move.

Looking at the girl in the café now, her hair messily tied up in a lopsided bun and looking as comfortable in the lounge area as though it were her living room, Lisa thinks maybe it's finally time.


"You're the one with a book."

Lisa has no idea why those words came out of her mouth. Strung together, they barely qualify as a sentence, let alone a pickup line.

Smooth. Maybe that's why she hasn't had a girlfriend in awhile. She receives a quirked eyebrow as a reward for her rustiness.

She wants a do-over but it's too late as the brunette untucks her knees and puts the book-the subject of contention-down on the table in front of her, offering Lisa her full attention. Lisa feels exposed with the long look that she's given in lieu of a response. It's not a bad stare, but it is penetrating. Enough to restart the thrum of familiarity that's just a little out of reach.

The girl eyes the hardcover and then Lisa before giving her a quiet smile. She's about to say something when Lisa preempts her rebuttal.

"Actually, do you mind..." The small smile turns into confused pursed lips when Lisa goes to grab her book and hand it back to her, "if you could just reposition yourself like before?"

The brunette humours the odd request, retrieving her hardcover and re-tucking herself. Her lips curl more fully in amused curiosity over Lisa's intent at resetting the scene.

Once she's back in place, Lisa smiles shyly at her. "Great, one second," she says, then takes slow, deliberate steps backwards to her table, her eyes not leaving the brunette.

Who says she can't turn back time.

Lisa takes a fortifying breath when she reaches her starting point, feeling the wood of the table against the back of her legs, and gathers strength from its sturdy support. She waits a beat before retracing her walk. When she arrives in front of the girl again she's greeted with a pair of bright eyes that has been tracking the whole journey.

"Hi, I'm Lisa," she says while gesturing to the book in hand, "if what you're reading is a guide on how to say hi to pretty girls, do you mind if I borrow it after you're done?"

The pretty girl bursts out laughing.

"I don't think you need it."

Lisa smiles, proud her perseverance is paying off. And then laughs outright herself when she reads the actual title of the book. Where to Drink Coffee.

"And I don't think you need to finish that to find out the answer," Lisa says, waving a hand indicating their present location.

"It's more of a travel guide to where the world's best baristas go for a cup of coffee. 600 spots in 50 countries."

"Ah, grounds for celebration," Lisa reads the subtitle with a tilt of her head, grinning.

"Did you know that Kopi Luwak is the world's most expensive coffee? A one pound bag of beans can cost up to $600. It's shit."

"That's a strong statement."

"No, literally. The beans come from the poop of a weasel. It's a big hit in Bali."

"Ok, well. Bali is off of my bucket list." The smile hasn't left Lisa's face, even as she's scrunching her nose. It widens further when the brunette beckons her to come in closer like she's about to reveal a secret.

"I don't even like coffee," she whispers conspiratorially.

Lisa laughs again, taking a seat opposite at the offered hand.

Jenlisa OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora