take me into your loving arms

Start from the beginning

Luthor Mansion

Meanwhile, Ruby sneaked out of the mansion, and into the grounds, pulling out Iris's phone, she then pressed on Sam's contact, putting the phone to her ear.

"Hi, you've reached the voice-mail of Sam and Ruby. We can't get to the phone, so leave us a message."

After the beep, Ruby said, "Mom, please pick up. I need to see you. Where are you? I just wanna talk to you. Please pick up or come get me. I need to see you. Please pick up..."


Ruby quickly got back into the lounge room before Alex and Iris got up, sitting in her chair, Iris's phone on the table, right before the two walked back in. "Alright, I think we got the TV working. You ready?" Iris asked but immediately noticed Ruby was avoiding eye contact, "Ruby?" And the girl looked up at her, "You okay?"


But then Iris noticed her phone was not in the same place it was. She slowly picked it up as Ruby nervously bit her lips. When she opened it, she saw it was on her call app, the recent call being to Sam. Iris then looked at Ruby, who looked up at her guilty, "Ruby—"

But they were all alarmed when all the lights throughout the mansion started blinking red while an alarm was going off. Iris and Alex began to internally panic while Ruby stayed confused, "What is that?" She asked.

"It's Reign," Alex said, looking at Iris and Ruby, "Get downstairs now. Go," and together Iris and Ruby ran out of the room.


When the government agency was alerted that Reign was attacking the mansion, Supergirl and The Flash were standing around the circular table, with J'onn and Winn, "It's Reign. She's at Lex's mansion," Winn informed.

"Which means she knows Ruby's there," J'onn said.

"With Iris and Alex," Supergirl muttered in panic, before looking at J'onn, "You can't go. You're still injured."

"But I can use Lena's Kryptonite. There's no one else," J'onn said.

"Actually, there is," and they all turned around, surprised to see Mon-El, suited up.

"Mon," Flash surprisingly said, "The future..."

"The future's fine," Mon assured, "Brainy and Imra are still on the way."

"Then why did you—"

"To help you with your fight against Reign," Mon said and they all smiled at him.

Luthor Mansion

Iris and Ruby were running underneath the home, into essentially a panic room, with Alex directly behind them, in her agent uniform. Iris glanced back a moment when she heard a crash, seeing Reign had crashed through the house, into the long hallway they were in.

She began to run faster, taking Ruby with her right as Alex opened the door of the panic room. They hurried inside as Reign used her laser heat vision, directed at them, but it only hit the closing door. "Alright, come on," Alex said before she pointed out a place for the two to hide, "I want you to go hide over there. And keep your eyes closed, Ruby."

The two quickly ran off into the corner, sitting down behind something. Iris held Ruby, who whimpered in her arms, closing her eyes, while Iris was putting on a strong face, but behind it — she was absolutely terrified. She was just hoping Supergirl somehow found out where she was.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now