Chapter 14: Romantic getaway

Comenzar desde el principio

"Here it is!" Ash pulled Serena along with him, when he finally found the location where he saw the area. Ash looked at Serena, and both of them nodded. Together, they entered the small forest. Their adventure had started.


It was easy to note where they were going, considering the area they were looking for was right in front of them. However, what's not so easy was their path. Vines, roots and fallen branches covered the ground below, making it exceptionally difficult to get to their destination. Then, if that was not bad enough, there was a thick vine veil that separated them and the area they wished to see. Their motivation to explore beyond that small forest was slowly dying down, and they were about to change their minds about this.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew over them, and tiny purple leaves were carried along with it. The leaves landed on top of Ash and Serena's feet. Out of curiosity, Serena picked one of the leaves and started to examine it. "Purple leaves?" She asked. Ash moved closer to Serena to get a better look. "Now I really want to see what this hidden area is. By the looks of this, I get the feeling this will be worth it."

Serena nodded slightly in agreement. She then started running towards the vine veil, shouting, "Come on Ash! I can't wait any longer!" Ash was surprised at Serena's sudden excitement, and ran behind her. Seamlessly, Serena ran through the vine veil. Ash, however, was not so lucky. He ran through, all most of the vines began sticking onto his shirt.

Once he finally made it through, Ash complained, "Arceus, these vines are annoying. How did you manage to get through without a scratch, Serena? Serena?" Ash looked at Serena, and saw awe and amazement written all over her face. He turned his head to see what Serena was staring at, and his jaw dropped.

What was in front of them could not be described in words. Even saying the place was magical would be an understatement. There was a path covered in many more of the purple leaves which Serena saw, lined with flowers of different shades of purple. The whole place resembled a tunnel that was formed by the trees of wisterias (as Serena had realised) further to the sides of the path. Vines intertwined with one another, as they created a curved rooftop. On the vines, hundreds of wisteria flowers grew on them, as they gave the finishing touch to what was already an enchanting place. Serena took a deep breath, absorbing in the sweet scent of the wisteria flowers.

"Wow... this place is magical..." was all Serena could say. Ash wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and with a sly grin, he answered, "Not as magical as you." Serena immediately blushed dark crimson and tried her best to cover her face as she heard what Ash said. Still covering her face with one hand, she lightly punched Ash's shoulder, muttering, "Y- you jerk..."

Ash laughed at Serena's reaction, then asked, "No matter what, you do know you love me, don't you? You can't deny it." Serena had finally calmed down, and pretended to be in deep thought, which amused Ash. Then, Serena made her way in front of Ash, kissed him on the lips, and replied, "Yes I do, and very much." They held hands, and walked down the path, hoping to uncover more about the place.

As they walked down through the tunnel, Ash took the time to marvel at the beauty of the place. Serena then looked up at Ash, and smiled. She thought about all the events that had led up to this point. From the Master Class ball, to that night they both confessed, to having their first date (technically) now. She felt privileged to have someone like Ash for the rest of her life, and she would do everything in her power to make every moment with Ash memorable for both of them.


They continued walking down the path, making small talk along the way. After a few minutes, they noticed something different up ahead. Together, they ran towards it and stopped once they realised what it was. Once again, they were in awe at the sight in front of them.

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