I'll take care of you...

Mulai dari awal

He walked towards me and sat beside me, making me loudly sigh in annoyance. " Oh my gosh...why aren't you leaving?," i angrily groaned, not caring if he gets offended or upset. Instead of getting mad like i expected he would, he gave me a soft look. " Because you're not coming," he answered, causing me to roll my eyes, not believing a word he said. Coming from all the exhaustion of not getting rid of him i scratched the back of my head and looked down on the  shiny waxed floor to see my tired reflexion looking back at me." You don't have to feel sorry for me, i already know what you're thinking," i softly said, feeling my emotions getting heavy. In response he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and gently put his hand in my hair. " What you know is what you're thinking," he said, thinking he sound all wise. I raised my eyebrows a little at him. In response he took his hand out of my hair and scratched the back of his head as he gave me a nervous smile. " Sorry, couldn't help it," he said. I wanted to laugh at that, it wasn't so bad, to me it felt like a complement to my stressed out head of hair so it didn't bother me that much. As i sat there and thought about what he said the more i thought that he could be right.

 Maybe i am just thinking things negatively and maybe that's the main reason why i am not even give him a chance to prove that he care's. But then again what if he's wrong? What if what i'm thinking...well...i'm knowing is true? Just by thinking about it i furrowed my eyebrows again, just wishing he would get the gist and give up." Stop fucking lying," i angrily said, tensing up. " You don't have to keep pretending to care. I already know what you think of me... you think i'm a loud mouthed brat....don't you?" i asked, earning another head shake. " No. why would i think that?," he asked, sounding like what he just heard was the most unrealistic phrase anyone have ever said to him.  Me on the other hand, who is not all that amused by his question i gently coughed a little and looked everywhere but him. " And you think that because.....?," he asked, dragging out the word because.  As i thought about it on a deeper level i shook my head a little.

" Because i've been nothing but loud, rude, and disrespectful to you....that's what brats do," i explained, feeling hot tears prick at my eyes. The word...brat...was and will always be a title that i can hold on to...and that's ok because not being a brat caused me to never see my mother again. Not being a brat put this karma inside my body. Not being a brat gave me bruises on my shoulders and back from the metalice pole for asking a simple question. If i wasn't a brat i wouldn't be going through any of this. If i wasn't a brat i would've known how to stand up for myself. If i wasn't a brat...my mother would still love me. So yeah...i'm a brat...so what? It's better than being gullible. As i continued to sit in my position i felt a gentle hand land on my shoulder, pulling me away from my thoughts, making my flinch a little. Becoming a little cautious  my eye pupils slowly turned around to meet his calm blue eyes. As we locked eye to eye he began to speak.

" I don't see you as a brat," he explained, earning for me to furrow my eyebrows a little. " Of course you have a very odd way of showing your emotions but you remind me of myself when i was your age," he said. In response i scrunched up my nose a little. Wow, check out the fucking narcissist.  Is he really going to make this about him right now? Why can't it be about leaving me alone and let me walk away instead? It's not like i'll die out there, i'll survive. All i have to do is use my karma at the right time and that'll be it. But having a karma isn't as easy as it may seem. When i was in prison i've heard that the karma wasn't fully developed yet. And when the developing starts it starts to cause great pain. At first i didn't believe it but as soon as i hit my first development i wanted nothing more than this karma to get off of me. That's why i view this karma more as a curse than a blessing like Jigen said it was. As i looked at my palm in front of me i clenched it shut and rubbed the temples on my forehead, feeling the weight of self pity being brought out on me.

" Listen, no one gives a fuck about who reminds you of you," i explained. Instead of frowning he kept his short smile and stood up from the hospital bed. " I see can't blame myself for trying" he explained, softly chuckling. " Then in that case i have something to give you," he said. I didn't answer to that because whatever he is trying to offer me is probably a way to butter me up into giving in....ugh...when will he give up? He walked outside of the door for a couple of moments but once he came back he had some sort of satin wrapped bag with a weird writing on it that i did not understand that was printed on the white, plastic like party bag. As i looked at the bag he gently looked back at me in response.

" Since your clothes was in tatters when we found you i thought it would be best to go out and get you some new clothes," he explained, handing me the bag. " It's more of a little you can trust me gesture," he said, causing my face expression to go blank. Without hesitating i took the bag out of his hands and opened it to see what was inside to see something blue. Furrowing my eyebrows i grabbed the blue fabric, holding it in front of me to be met with a blue designed outfit with no sleeves and a black belt. Just by looking at it my heart fell to the pits of my stomach and not in a good way but in a " what the absolute hell is this?" way. As i looked at it i looked back at the blonde haired man in front of me as he seemed a little bit nervous about how my reaction was going to be. As i looked at it i simply made a small " Hmph" and laid the dress down beside me.

" Do you like it? I didn't know much about what all you girls are into these days," he explained, causing me to keep my blank expression. If i was in any mood right now i would've picked the dress up and thrown it out of the window by now, but at the same time would that really fix anything? Just by looking it at the kimono dress lying motionlessly on the hospital bed  i gently played with my fingers a little. No one has ever given me a gift in such a long time. I think it is pretty sweet to go through all that trouble just to buy a kid you don't even know something to wear, but at the same time did i really deserve it? At the prison...er...my home the only time i would ever get anything is when i finally behaved. And when did i ever meet that day? Oh...you guessed it. I never fucking did. And it was because i was either too loud, a crybaby, never was able to lose weight, a drama queen, an attention seeker, and i was never able to achieve my training and have the ability to shove my foot of that bastards ass. So him giving me something out of the blue seems really new to me. I'll stay off of his ass....for now.

WIthout a further or do i gently sighed and looked back at the clothing beside me. " Ya know, back where i used live we would never wear something like that," i explained in my low pitched accent, earning his eyebrow to raise. " But," i sighed as i looked into his hopeful eyes. " I...guess it wouldn't hurt, i do need some new clothes anyway, i mean...anything's better than a hospital gown" i said, earning a huge smile from him. " I knew you'd open up a little," he gently said. In response i picked up the dress and grabbed the bag. " Listen, i will only try it on so you can leave me alone," i said, telling him half the truth. Yes i wanted him to leave me alone. I wanted more than anything for him to get out and never come back. But at least the outfit is pretty and i never really had something this nice until now so it would be petty to turn down a 5 year missed opportunity like this. I guess he didn't really believe me. I knew because his " Really?," expression showed a lot. As we locked eyes i furrowed my eyebrows a little as i slowly stood up. " WELL?!?!," i asked, earning for him to fold his arms. " I'll be waiting for you in the lobby," he said as he walked towards the door. " Yeah, whateva ," i said, as i put the bag on the floor he opened the door and looked back at me. " And one more thing," he explained, causing me to take a deep breath. " What?," i softly whispered with a sinister smile on my face.

As he gave me a gentle smile back he furrowed his eyebrows a little." You have a adorable accent," he said before closing the door. Once he FINALLY left i rolled my eyes in annoyance. " UGH FINALLY!," i half yelled since i didn't really want to make a scene all that much. As i walked towards the other side of the room with no windows i started to disrobe, grabbed the kimono shirt to see black leggings with white lilies decorating them. As i looked even further inside of the bag i was able to discover  two black pares of slides that were clenched together. As i looked at what was buried under the dress i took the leggings out of the bag and laid them on the nearby chair. It didn't take long but while putting the outfit on i was saying over and over in my head....

" I really hope this fits me"

alright that's all for tonight. I hope you like, comment, and i will write to you guys next time

see ya :)

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