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        I was mad as hell! Gemma was the last person I wanted to see, why was she even here anyways?

I took a left and slammed into someone.

"Watch where you're fucking going!" I didn't wait to see who it was. I bent to pick up my phone.

"You wanna try that apology again?"
Jay said. I froze a bit but quickly straightened up to him.

"You knocked into me, Parker." I stated.

His brows furrowed down at me and he crossed his arms. "Who pissed you off?"

"No one important." I mumbled. Why was he going to the Dean's office? "What trouble did you give now?"

He chuckled but shook his head. "So I got up and you were gone."

"What you expected to cuddly until morning," I shrugged. "No commitment remember."

" yeah, but I got up hungry." He joked a little.

"Am not your girlfriend, Parker." I rolled my eyes up at him. He stared at me before walking off. "Jay." I called after him running to keep up with his stride.

"Yes." He simply answered.

"Look my day isn't going well and am a little up tight from lack of sleep." I said.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No." I answered. I really didn't. "Wanna hang later?"

"No. I have a date." He simply say and left.

I admit, I felt jealous. Really jealous.
Just when things are starting to pick up it turns right back around and sucks.

I skipped out on the rest of my classes and headed home. It didn't take long until I was knocked out into a deep sleep.

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