After shoving him into the car, I drive him back to the house. His eyes are blackened with the red rings around them, bright red.

I know, you're starving.

His rage grows the longer he waits. When a vampire is hungry and you have a shit ton of food sources around but can't have anything, it'd make anyone pissed off.

As soon as I pull up to the house, Wyatt doesn't wait until I even finish parking until he's out of the car.

He runs into the house. I know exactly where he's going.

We have a secret room in the basement behind the wall of tools, in that room we have a large supply of blood we have stored. There is so much that I doubt we could ever run out.

I follow in Wyatt's footsteps down to the basement.

It's pitch black, making me flick the light switch on.

As the light brightens the room, I find him already guzzling his third bag of blood with the other two scattered haphazardly around him.

"Did Zoey see?" He breathes heavily, probably taking his first breath since eating.

"No, but she's probably confused on why we left. I don't know if she saw the couple come in or not."

Just as if Jett knew we we're talking about her, he sends me a text.

Jett: I called us a taxi. We're going back to the restaurant so Poppy can get her car. Poppy brought up a group of four people who stayed until closing time. They didn't catch their names though.

I sigh, knowing Jack never really travels alone.

Me: Alright, make sure they both get home and remind them to lock their door.

I fill in Wyatt on what's going on for him to only open another blood bag. I feel the tension continue to lessen the more he drinks.

In the end, it takes him five and a half bags of blood until his blood lust is controlled.

"I'm telling you, Nik. Jack is back." Wyatt says as he gathers all the empty and the half empty bags in his hands.

"Tammy murdered Brexley, you heard the witch. Jack had nothing to do with it." I try to reason for Jett's sake.

"Wait," Wyatt freezes, "was Tammy working tonight?"

Why does that matter?

"I don't know."

"Tell Jett to follow them home, tell him to stay with them."

"Why?" I ask, not catching what he's throwing down.

"Something is wrong with her dude, obviously. Tammy isn't a newborn, she's around Jett's age and if she's killing then we have to find out why."

I've known Tammy for a while now, and he's right.

I've seen Tammy's killings before, despite them being rare, they were well cleaned with little to no evidence.

"We can look more into it." I agree.

My phone buzzes with Jett's name flashing on the screen.

What now?

"Yes?" I answer, putting the phone on speaker so Wyatt can hear.

"Get your asses to Zoey's house, now." He ends the call abruptly.

Wyatt and I share a 'what the fuck' expression before dashing towards the car.

Once again, I'm speeding down the highway.

As I pull up to the townhome, I notice multiple people casually just walking around the parking lot.

I follow the sound of a rapid heartbeat, knowing the angelic tone of it is Zoey's.

Why're you scared, love?

I open the door without knocking as Wyatt follows close behind me, watching my back.

A familiar feeling of something being misplaced surrounds the entrance.

Jett walks up to me and pulls me further into the home and into a room which I immediately know is not Zoey's by the aura around it.

A woman who I assume is Poppy is laying on the bed, eyes wide open, skin so pale telling us there is no sign of blood, and veins popping out of her skin.

"Nik, please. Can you help her?" Zoey asks from the doorway, tears rolling down her pink, irritated face.

Jett sighs, "I didn't know what to tell her."

Zoey looks between all three of us. Wyatt refuses to meet her gaze, keeping his eyes on Poppy.

We all know what happened, and who probably did it.

"Love, I need to talk to you." I grab her hand, protected her arm from her fingers.

Her head shakes, "I won't leave her."

"Trust him, doll. Jett and I will be with her, she won't be alone." Wyatt encourages her.

Now she won't be able to be alone for quite some time.

Zoey walks me to the small, possibly molded living room. I sit on the couch, pulling her into my body.

Her eyes puff with redness and tears, making me wish I didn't have to tell her this.

Once she knows, it'll change everything.

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