She was too energetic to sleep, so she settled for watching TV ( something she didn't do often ). It wasn't fake for them anymore, it was finally real. The contract had not once crossed Yura's mind as she was too busy going from anger to feeling as if she was on cloud 9.

The channel that immediately appeared on her TV caught her eye. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed who it was. Chan.

Mnet needed to torture her at that very moment huh?

She sat there, blankly staring at the screen.

Wow, what had happened?

Was this it for her and her life-long best friend?

Would they just avoid each other?

Should she apologize?

No. It was he who was in the wrong, right?

Meaningless questions swarmed Yura's previously blank mind and she hadn't noticed it looked as if she was intensely watching Seventeen's maknae perform. In reality, she was too busy finally processing what had happened.

Yes, she had gotten with THE Joshua hong, but at what cost? It was an overload for her. However she kept coming to one conclusion, she was in the right, he was in the wrong. He was being unreasonable, and that was that, in Yura's denying mind.

. . .

( 1 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 )

"Chan, could you please focus?"

"Yeah um I'm sorry, I'll try my best," He said half-heartedly. The majority of the members could notice something was off, but they paid no mind. The only thing occupying their thoughts and worries at the moment was their upcoming comeback and even Seventeen's leader was an eyelash close to scolding Chan instead of talking one-on-one due to his unusual inability to be on beat.

"You know what? Let's just take five. Chan clearly isn't his best today." Chan glared at Jisoo as he spoke. Everything and anything revolving around Joshua was something he wanted to get away from. And Jisoo noticed this, he wasn't an idiot, of course, he'd notice someone whom he'd lived with the whole of his adulthood's mood change, and he used this to his advantage.

As Chan glared him down, Jisoo sent a smirk his way. He then swiftly turned around to converse with Jeonghan as if nothing had ever happened at all.

Chan scowled before sliding himself down the wall to eventually be sat on the floor of the practice room. He retrieved his phone while wiping his sweat with his free hand and was met with yet not one single notification from Yura.

Yes, he was doing this every 2 hours, hoping for Yura to contact him when in reality they hadn't talked in a whole week, avoiding any topic surrounding each other. That's when it hit him. If he didn't say anything or do something soon, nothing would happen. But it wasn't as simple as that.


Because Chan was a certified coward.

Suddenly he noticed a figure seat himself next to him—Seventeen's wonderful leader.

"Hey Chan, something bothering you?" He asked, although it was more of an order to speak rather than a gentle question.

Chan shook his head no, trying to dismiss Seungcheol.

"Look Chan, everyone is dying over here because of you so I'm gonna need you to fess up." He leaned closer to the maknae to not ruin his gentle image for the other members ( though it was already ruined long ago ).

"Um, okay so say there's person A and B." Chan held up one finger per letter while Cheol only looked at him with a 'done' face. And regardless of Chan's cliche approach, he decided to play along for the sake of himself and the rest of the members.

"And person A asked B for advice. B gave A advice she didn't want to hear and or believe..." Coups nodded his head to let Chan know he was following.

" A got mad and decided to do the opposite of B's advice, but the thing is, B's advice was exaggerated because B doesn't want A to get with C."

"So there's a C now?"

"Yes now let me continue! So, A and B haven't talked in one whole week and have possibly ruined their lifelong friendship. Should B apologize? Or should B wait for A to say something?" Seungcheol knew 100% that this was Chan's own story but he was too drained to even inquire about it.

"Well, in my opinion, it seems like someone should say something. Either one of them." Coups said, looking in the direction of Chan who was carefully taking in his words.

"You- sorry, I mean B, should say something before this escalates instead of waiting for the 'perfect time' which will most likely never come. The more they wait the longer this will last." He said his words like he was saying something he put no thought into as he shrugged and continued on his phone.

"You know what? You're right." Chan showed an encouraged smile as he quickly stood up and gathered his bag.

"I'll be right back! Thanks, Hyung!" Seungcheol was going to stop him from leaving, but he wanted a longer break so he decided to let this one go. And whatever issues Chan was dealing with, he needed to get them figured out. One more scream from Hoshi, and he'd need to borrow Jihoon's guitar. (a/n - yes ik, old reference )

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