Chapter 32: Awoken-man

Start from the beginning

And shouted.


Her shout shook the room.
The walls crumbled.
The men were pushed away by the force of her big voice and were shook as well.

This was an order she would come to regret soon enough.

The sandwich cowered behind the boss monster.

It didn't know what was happening this whole time.
Even when its mother was so close to it, it didn't recognize her.

To the sandwich, that corpse was idiot-man no more.

However, a spark was cursing through her, as if something inside her wished to be awoken.

It was then that the monster soldiers stormed in and saw in horror:

The return of THAT man.

"Impossible... how come you are here?"
One of the soldiers asked.

Intelligent man grinned.

"Ah, its you youngling-men. What did I tell you back then, remember-man? I never lied-man, even once-man."
He said as he spread his arms.
"Join-man me and together-man we will reclaim this land-man for the monster-men."

The monsters were silent.
No one knew what to do.

The Intelligent-man became impatient.
"If you won't join-man me, then perish-man!"

He stretched out his arm and a dark cloud shot out of it.

It was slow.
No one knew what that cloud would do once it would have reached any of the soldiers so they just stood there.

"You idiots!!! DODGE!!!!"
Serenity shouted from afar.

Most of the young soldiers snapped back to reality and took a step to avoid getting in contact with the cloud.

But the youngest of them was frozen in fear.

He saw his massacred parents in his mind, from back in the olden times. The massacre that was meant to liberate the monster race.

The purge of the old.

Seeing a face from those olden times, Intelligent-man's face, he found himself frozen in fear.

"Hey man! Come here!"
One of the soldiers that stepped away reached out to grab the young one and pulled him away from the cloud.

He grabbed his arm and it was pulled off.


His arm separated from his body and what remained of the soldier was just a bloody pile of sludge.

A dark fluid traveled through the veins of the arm and burst out towards the soldier that tried to save the young one.

The fluid didn't reach far and only managed to come into contact with the arm that grabbed the arm.

"Aahh MY ARM!"
It fell clean off.

A pile of sludge that used to be an arm lies before him.

".... run..."
He realized.

"We have to run!!!"
The soldiers ran away from the cloud and the sludge as far as they could.

"Hahahaha! What's wrong my little child-men? Don't you like playing-man with me anymore?"

Intelligent-man laughed maniacally.

His face looked similar to smart-man's.
His voice was similar too.

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