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I was left alone in the library as I wiped my tears away and made my way to the bathroom where I locked myself in one of the stalls, trying to calm down

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I was left alone in the library as I wiped my tears away and made my way to the bathroom where I locked myself in one of the stalls, trying to calm down.

I just couldn't bring myself to stop sobbing, so I went out and washed my face with cold water. When I calmed down, I took a few deep breaths.

Pulling my hood up, I left to go to my next class. I still had 4 hours to escape the hell hole for a little bit.

I was in the back of the class where I sat down, not even realizing that I had dozed off to sleep. I woke up just in time for lunch.

I bought myself a sandwich with the little money that I had saved up. When I bit into it, my stomach thanked me because I hadn't eaten in two days. Not like anybody gave a damn if I ate or not.

I ate the sandwich in peace, hoping that my stomach wouldn't make me throw it up. Luckily, that didn't happen, so I went back to the bathroom to drink some water because I only had so much money to either buy something to eat or drink.

When I was full, I left to go sit in the classroom, waiting for it to fill up. Instead of a bunch of students, I was met with Alex.

He locked the door behind him and sat himself across from me.

I was scared of what he would do next.

"I don't know where to start, but I want to apologize for not helping you more than just stopping Dario and Carson."

"But after I heard what Dario wants to do to you today, I'm done. I can't let something like this happen to someone if I know about it."

He looked completely frustrated, like he couldn't believe what was happening to me.

"Look, you don't need to worry about Dario. I will take care of him after school. I'll make sure to get him drunk, and then I will put a sleeping pill into his drink so he won't bother you for the next two days."

"Give me your number and tell me every time he may hurt you or is about to hurt you."

I spoke for the first time in our conversation.

"Alex, I don't have a phone."

"Shit," he muttered, the force of his words causing me to recoil. Gripping his hair, he cast a pitying glance my way—a look I despised.

How I loathed the sight of pity in someone's eyes directed at me.

"I swear I'm not going to hurt you. I'm so fucking sorry I didn't do this sooner," he muttered with remorse.

"I'm going to buy you a new phone, or I'll give you my old one. Just make sure to hide it well," he added before departing, leaving behind a glimmer of hope for my survival in this life.

As the classroom gradually filled up after his departure, the two hours slipped by in the blink of an eye. Dragging my bag, I made my way home, my mind not dwelling on Dario's earlier words.

Upon reaching home, I cautiously opened the door, scanning for signs of life.

Finding none, I ascended the stairs to my room, allowing my bag to thud onto the floor before shedding my hoodie—only to feel two hands seize me by the waist.

"I was waiting for you, my darling," slurred Ricardo, my stepfather, in his drunken state.

"Please don't," I pleaded, hoping he wouldn't subject me to his abuse again.

"Stop crying. I know you enjoy it. Now behave and lay down," he commanded, leaving me no choice but to comply.

I surrendered, having long since given up the futile fight against his cruelty, knowing resistance would only result in greater harm.

His hands roamed freely, violating my boundaries as tears streamed down my face in silent protest against my own powerlessness.

Before he could proceed further, the sound of the door opening and my mother's voice echoed upstairs.

He let his hands touch my breast, pulling my bra down and cupping them in both of his hands.

Tears were rolling down my face, disgusted with myself that I'm not doing anything to stop this. 

His hands wandered down to my jeans, but before he could open the button, we heard the door open and my mother yelling.

"I'm home early, honey!"

His touch recoiled as though scorched, and he grasped my throat, his words dripping with menace as he whispered into my ear, "We will continue this next time. And stop crying, my little slut, before I give you a reason to cry."

With that, he left the room, descending to greet my mother downstairs, leaving me to ponder how he could look her in the eyes after his vile actions.

Curling into a ball on the floor, I wept until exhaustion claimed me, unaware of when sleep overtook my senses.

I was jolted awake by loud banging from downstairs. Hastily throwing on my hoodie, I descended to investigate.

Opening the door, I was met by two officers, their somber expressions piercing through the haze of confusion.

"Miss Suárez, we're here because we couldn't reach anyone else."

"Why? What happened?"

"Your parents have been in an accident, kiddo. We need you to come with us."

An accident? It's like God was finally hearing my prayers. As I sat in the back of the police car, a question burned in my mind.

"When can I meet them?"

"Kiddo, I'm sorry to tell you this, but one of them didn't survive, and the other is not in a stable condition, so you'll have to wait."


I silently hoped Ricardo was the one who died. As for my so-called mother, I wished for nothing more than to see them both suffer, though it still wouldn't justify the pain I endured.

Arriving at the station, I was led to a room where they would inform me of my fate—whether any relatives were willing to take me in or if I would be placed in foster care.

After what felt like an eternity, a woman entered the room.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Her saccharine tone grated on my nerves.

"I'm fine," I replied curtly, longing for nothing more than some rest.

"Well, sweetie, we were able to reach a relative who is willing to take you in. We'll monitor how they treat you."

Who could they have found here in America? All my relatives are in Spain. I had been so sure I would end up in foster care.

"Excuse me."

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Who is the relative?"

"Your father. He'll be here in the morning."

My what?

Why would he bother coming after abandoning me?

"Do you have any other questions? If not, I'll take you to a room where you can rest until your father arrives."

I had no questions, at least none for her. Rising from my seat, I followed her to the room. It looked better than my own room—I would sleep in a bed for the first time in my life.

As I lay down, darkness enveloping me, I hoped it would consume me entirely this time. I didn't think I was ready to face the man who left me.


See you guys the next time, you know the drill vote and comment if you liked the chapter byeeeee. 💃🏽

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