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It's been almost 15 years, yet I repeat the scene again and again

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It's been almost 15 years, yet I repeat the scene again and again.

I tried everything; I even asked my undercover guy in the FBI for anything, but not even he could find her.

*Mi pequeña chinche*

*(My little love bug.)*

I remember the day that she was born. I was happy when all my kids were born, but that little girl had my heart like none other.

The way she wrapped her little chubby fingers around mine when I first got to hold her. I was at peace; my family was complete that day.

15 years ago.

Until 1 and a half years later, I found out my ex-wife was cheating on me for almost 3 years. We had a big fight that night, so I told her to get lost.

She calmly said she would leave and never look back, not caring about our kids, but I was willing to take care of all my babies.

That day I made the biggest mistake that I had ever done in my life because of the anger that was slowly consuming me. I left enraged. I got so drunk that I didn't come home until the afternoon of the next day.

Only to be met with a mess of shattered glass everywhere, I checked up on all the kids; they were playing in the garden as the maids were cleaning up all the mess she had left.

As I watched all my kids play and laugh, it made me cool down from everything that went downhill yesterday.

I asked one of the maids to bring Aurelia to me, but she returned empty-handed.

"Te dije que me trajeras a mi hija."

(I told you to bring me my daughter.)

"Ella ya no está en su cama, mi jefe."

(She's not in her bed anymore, my boss.)

She said in a shaking voice. That's when I lost it completely; I ran up to her room to find it trashed and empty.

She took her.

She took my daughter from me.

My little Princess.

I will haunt her down; that was a promise to myself that I had made that day. I don't care how much I loved her, but nothing and nobody could take my kids from me.

I searched around the room where I found a small paper sticking to the dresser.

My dear, Santiago,

When you read this, tell my other babies that I love them more than they ever know and to you, this is all you ever deserved. I never wanted to be a part of this lifestyle, but still, I held strong for my kids, and now I can finally be happy with my real love and so you can feel what it's like living in a life without happiness. I took your most precious thing with me, Aurelia; you won't find her even if you have the whole earth on command. I'll make sure that you won't find her ever again.

Love you Cristián, Fernando, Lorenzo, and Ramón. Take care my babies; your mama loves you.

The rage I had felt that day was still burning in me after 15 years; words cannot explain how it felt and how I still feel the loss of my baby girl.

One thing has changed from that day, and that was my face. I have always been told how cold I look, how emotionless I am, but I was never like that with my kids; it's like they bring the best out of me.

I laughed at their achievements; I was proud of them but the spark I had in my eyes when I saw them all playing with their little sister was such a precious moment that I had treasured in my heart.

The spark that has left my eyes will only come back when I have my little bug by me.

My boys were still young when all of that had happened.

Cristián was 11, so he has the most memories of him and Aurelia, while Fernando and Lorenzo, who were 9 and 7, have only a limited amount of memories of their sister, and Ramón, the youngest of all brothers, doesn't remember her at all, but my little boy was only 4 at the time.

He only saw a few pictures of her and I told him growing up who that was; he asked a lot of questions why she wasn't here with us and all that, but I couldn't bring myself to crush the image of his mother for him at the time.

But now he also knows the truth; at first, he couldn't believe it, but with time, he came back to his senses. All my boys miss their sister; there is no doubt about that, but Ramón is the one who isn't really interested in doing anything to find her.

Which angers me but at the same time I understand where he is coming from, because for him, she is a complete stranger and if we ever find her we will also be complete strangers to her.

Fuck, I don't even know how she looks like she is all grown up now, and I hope my baby girl is turning into a beautiful young woman with every passing day.

Her birthday is coming up in 2 months. I can't believe that I haven't got to see her in so many years, she is going to be an adult soon, turning 17.

I wonder if she already has her driver's license and if she has a boyfriend, god forbid when I find that little twat-looking bitch I'm going to scare him shitless.

I always wanted to do that, but I've never gotten the chance to make my princess all nervous and seeing her all giddy because of her first love.

I closed my laptop, finally pulling away from all of those flashbacks to see what my boys are doing.

My family is lucky to live life to the fullest. I worked hard for this position; I may have inherited it from my father, but that doesn't mean that I didn't have to bust my ass for it.

Now soon Cristián is going to take over the post; he will be the new jefe. He trained hard for this title and his right hand is going to be Lorenzo and left Fernando because Fernando doesn't want to be involved in our business too much.

Ramón is still too young for any position, but he has his own job as a hitman, so one day he could maybe take over Fernando's post.

I went down the stairs to see them all lying on the couch, arguing about who is going to watch.

Cristían was silently typing on his laptop while he watched his brothers bicker like 5-year-olds. When they all felt my presence, they went silent until Ramón spoke.

"Come on, pops, tell these two fat twat heads to let me watch the basketball game," he said in an innocent voice.

"What the hell did you just call us?" Lorenzo and Fernando both asked Ramón, daring him to repeat it. And as the savage kid Ramón is, he said.

"I said you two are two fat twat heads, want me to spell it out for both of you?"

"Run." It was all Fernando said, and before he could finish the word, Ramón was already running up the stairs.

Cristían couldn't hold his laughter anymore and burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh myself while I looked at Fernando chasing Ramón and Lorenzo looking shocked.

I love my family, but I miss my little love bug.


See you guys the next time, you know the drill vote and comment if you liked the chapter byeeeee. 💃🏽

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